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I hate the phrase "I'll do it in a minute"

PrincessCupcake's picture

So the skid has greatly stepped up when it has come to helping me with things I need due to my broken foot and not being able to walk.

But doing his own chores...ohemgee. Right now there's a basket of his laundry sitting right beside him. When he brought it up from the basement (several hours agao) his dad told him to fold/hang the clothes up. "I'll do it in a minute." Then right back on his computer.

I just said something about it, because his dad will be waking up soon to go to work (third shift) and I know he won't want to see that basket still full of clothes. "I'll do it in a minute." With his eyes still glued to the screen.

I hear that phrase several times a day. It drives me batty. The flipping computer will still be there! Though I am seriously tempted to snag it while he's sleeping and donate it to a firing range for target practice.


notsobad's picture

My bioson (20) does the same thing!
I give him a time limit. I say ok but it has to be done in 20 mins and I don't want an argument when I tell you 20 mins have past. It works for us.

PrincessCupcake's picture

He's helpful to me, personally, when it comes to things I need, like a drink, a new bag of ice, taking the dogs out, getting the mail, etc. He'll hop right off the computer for that, without even saying "Yeah, in a minute."

But when it comes to his regular's like pulling teeth for him to get them done. Drives me batty. His dad is slowly getting over that whole "he's gonna hate me if I'm too hard on him" thing. He's held me back on many an occasion. Because if it were up to me, SS would have no computer, no phone, and no xbox time until he's regulated his sleeping schedule and did his chores without being asked for at least two weeks.

I evidently am THAT stepmom, at least in my head. And I don't care. }:)