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Advice please----

prayerhelps's picture

BM may be moving across the street from us. How do I handle this situation? BM is a nightmare. We have just gotten SD17 settled out after fiasco last spring. It is hard to be in same room with her. She has tried on several occassions to get my DH and I to hit her (never have). Pretty sure that is what happened few weekends ago w/her Husband, he shoved her.

SD19 may be getting an apartment w/BM at complex across street from our house (right now BM lives 40mins away and sees SD17 EOWE). BM leaving husband of 9 years. That is fine if leavinghim, but why move so close to us??? To get SD all wound up again and have some sort of influence (she thinks) on our lives. Please help me, Lord. I guess we will have to move to Germany sooner than we thought.


Jsmom's picture

Can't help you here. My DH's ex lives in the subdivision across from us. I get the pleasure of passing her all the time. We have 50/50 custody and they did this for the kids. There are a ton of families like this in our town. It is considered very normal for this. Still freaks me out. At least she knows her boundaries and doesn't leave the drive way.

MarriedwithChild's picture

I don't understand why so close to you? I'm facing the same thing in T- one month as the BM will be.....1.5 miles away in the small city.

Glad there are gates and new alarms. I'm trying to figure out how it might be too.

I'd go to Belize in a NY minute if not married my DH.

MarriedwithChild's picture

This new modern 50/50 'closeness' is not normal. Feels like something out of the Twilight Zone to me.

Why live so close to each other? Look at everything else in nature, they have their boundaries right? (turf)


belleboudeuse's picture

Ugh. well, the first thing I would do is have a talk with your DH about establishing BOUNDARIES. Because if she does move in so close, the first thing she'll probably do is start showing up all the time unannounced and just assume she is welcome to come over whenever because she's the Sacred Birthing Vessel.

You'll have to get on the same page with DH. And then you'll have to figure out how to maintain those boundaries that includes potentially having to explain the reason for them to your skids if BM wails to them about how evil you are.

Good luck. I cannot IMAGINE having BM move in across the street from us.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

MarriedwithChild's picture

I think they call it a "restraining order" if deemed necessary?

One of those, "Make myself at home types like BM here." (that happened ONCE.)

Conflicted's picture

Ummmm.... I'm all for getting along and co-parenting.... but moving next door?! OMG! That's disturbing!

prayerhelps's picture

yep--like this. And believe you me, DH and I are on the same page. She is just a holy terror. We really enjoyed it when they moved 1 1/2 hours away a few years back. Oh well. Only 382 days left to deal w/her