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OK. I've made my decision now to stick to it.

potentiallysingle's picture

I'm 37, never been married, I have two boys, 10 and 6 and I cant STAND my girlfriends son..!
He is ten years old and an obnoxious little shit, he never does what is asked of him, he looks exactly like his father who is a princess, my ten year old just tolerates him and he is rude to my younger son whom he plays with mostly as he has the intelligence of a 6 year old. My girlfriend feeds him sugar and wonders why he is off his freekin head..! He thinks hes the smartest kid on the block, his teacher wants to keep the dumb shit down at school, I cant trust him around my sons as he does stupid things.
I've had enough, I'm sorry to lose my GF but life is too short.


1's picture

Seriously you only get one life and it won't be fair or do any good to your sons if you stay with someone who's child you have so many problems with. We sometimes forget about all of the kids involved when we get into relationships. Sure the new relationship makes us feel good but what does it do to our children is sometime overlooked. Might be best to cut your loses earlier on....just my thoughts.

Stick's picture

If you feel this strongly about your girlfriend's little boy, then I agree... you need to move on and let her move on as well.

I can't imagine the little boy getting any better at this point, and I can't imagine your dislike of him doing anything positive for your and your girlfriend's relationship.

I sometimes think that people wait to break up because of some BIG reason. But the reality is, you don't need any reason, other than it doesn't feel right. And who knows? Down the line, you could end up being better friends in the process.

But yeah, do yourself - and her - a favor. Get out now!

Best of luck to you....

potentiallysingle's picture

thankyou for your comments, I agree it is only fair and the best thing to do is to move on. My advise to people in their 20's, "it gets complicated in your 30's" Sad get it right the first time because being single at 37 comes with many complications..

Gmama's picture

came into our relationship with one boy,I had two,and a little girl. my daughter he does WONDERFUL with. his son lives out of state so it's fair to say he is a "PART TIME DAD" my boys NOW ages 19 and 16 have treated him like crap all threw there teenage years,(the 16 y/o still does.) they have done some down right mean,spiteful things to him that he didn't deserve. he doesn't try to over step his boundries, but they have NO respect for him. (there dad commited suicide)it's a hard deal for EVERYONE involved, they don't want him here, he doesn't "love" them like I hoped he would, and it's hard on me who would just like peace in her family, my now 19 y/o is finally starting to be civil to him, but yet I just see then being polite to each other because of ME. I know I'm not much help, is all I can say is re think things if you need to, in the end it will be you and her (hopefully)but It can be a struggle, i'm sure she feels like shes in the middle at times, and thats is not a nice might not get any better, is she worth sticking it out for?

stepmom2one's picture

i am glad you realized this before marriage. Things don't get better they just get worse, believe me. Do what all us married people say now, don't even date a person with kids next time.

goodmom's picture

and get on down, get on down the road.

If you really despise the kid this much you would be doing EVERYONE a favor, including yourself, if you just moved on.

Having a baby does not make you a mother.