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When Your Spouse Finally Wakes Up...

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

and realizes what BM and SD are really like as far as manipulation, money grubbing, shit disturbing, etc, do they ever take it out on you?

Am curious about this. Some things came to light after I disengaged. I think he is starting to see how things really are and that maybe I was correct all those years even though we never discuss it.

I am not seeing this as some kind of shred of hope-I know better than that. Just wondering if it was possible.


thinkthrice's picture

In a word, YEP! When he goes into his alcoholic fueled rages and the "real" Guilty Daddy comes out, he blames ME for PASing out his kids. In reality I did everything to foster the relationship between Guilty Daddy and his kids; foolishly thinking that he wanted to be a REAL parent and would stand up to the BM's PAS and BFFing. Nope!

He even saw with his own eyes the BM's BM literally STEERING YSS (at the time 5 1/2) away from us to make sure that the lie about us not coming to the skid's play would "stick." Oh, yes his sainted EX-MIL!!!

Do I sound bitter? Whoops!

Starla's picture

IMHO YES!!! It backfired bc I refused to deal with it but he more less lashed out on me before he learned how and where to redirect his negative energy. The good news, if your hubby has any lick of sense he will only make that mistake once then learn how to properly cope with his emotions. I swear men are like little boys until they are trained in.. Blum 3