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Help! I went down to their level

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

On a family outing went to son in laws folks house to drop something off for son in law.

I am brewing up some bronchitis and his folks are kind of nasty so I wasn't planning to go in.

Son in laws dad came all the way outside to drag us all into his house so him and SD could ambush me I guess. He'll, I don't know.

First thing was he kept calling DH by SD's stepdad's name. Then he very loudly called me by BM's name which doesn't really insult me just makes him look like an alpha hotel.

SD who I don't really have much to do with anymore invites me and her half sibs to sit down and we are all just sitting there just talking like normal people-or so I thought.

SD asked if I wanted to see the garden. I said sure and told the kids lets go look.

When I am trying to go around her FIL he is moving wherever I am severAl times to block my way and actually puts his fucking foot out to trip me.

I finally get around him and go outside and I am livid.

I was mumbling under my breath after I answered FIL question with "okay B.O.B. which is not his name and let the word douchebag slip out.

"That was uncalled for" SD says. I just ignore her and start yammering on about perrenial herbs.

Then the FIL wanders out there presumably to pour more gas I the fire.

I make a mad dash around him telling the kids I'm getting out while I can.-like before the asshole can trip me or trap me.

I am faking this coughing fit so I can go out and get my asthma medicine.

I go out to the car and never come back.

H comes out to check on me later.

I tell him no more. I'm done end of discussion. He goes back in. The kids start making noise about being hungry to aid our escape and we leave.

For once my husband actually noticed just how awful they are.

He was ad too and said we will never have anything to do with them again(SD I laws)


positivelyfourthstreet's picture

I told him everyone on SD's side of this mess deserves each other.

I thought for many years our son in law was a good enough guy but he can't even hang. Picture or turn a wrench.

They just bought a new house and he let his mother in law cut the damned lawn.

IDK, maybe BM was trying to shame him into some semblance of manhood.

We all drove home me and the kids are once again scarred for life and I can't fucking believe people actually act like they do.

They're all Jerry Springer potential.

Lord have mercy!

Annanymous's picture

WOW I can't believe dh went back in. What a douchebag but god only k owns what lies sd told them about you. My sd14 tells people I abuse her! Sorry you we t thru that. I hope you and your kids stay away from her.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

I don' t feel like my H did anything wrong. He just went back in for a few minutes to round up the kids and say goodbye.

He was really pissed about it too. I suppose maybe it was better to just leave before things got really ugly.

I feel kind of like SD and her FIL were working together to start some shit.

SD likes to get this stuff going on under the radar blame me and be a victim.
With much yelling and screaming and crying.

H said it was good that we went and know now exact how nasty her in laws are so from now on we don't need to waste one minute on them.
I feel like this isn't over and she will probably blow up his phone or something.

When H and the kids came back out SD and her FIL followed. I guess her FIL wanted to get in one last shot or something.

I turned my head refused to look at him and yelled goodbye to SD through the car window which I refused to roll down.

It must have been really over the top for my H to notice-he never notices anything.
These people are all just sin toxic and weird.

omgsaveme's picture

Thats bullshit, you should have tripped the FIL. Next time you see SD, I would return the favor lol. What assholes

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

I don't believe H saw him do this.

When they do thee things they are so outrageous sometimes I wonder if it really even happened it's so bizarre.

The sheer shock I feel is enough to send me reeling.

H always tries to be the bigger person often at my or his expense.

I tried to be the bigger person and just go in and be reasonable.

But this never works. They always wind up abusing me or starting shit anyway just because they can.

Maybe they all feel small or something and make themselves feel better by bullying me.

It must suck to be them.

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

What is disturbing to me is I feel like this was an attack or ambush that was planned in advance.
I wonder if H is in on this shit sometimes.

It was a lovely day until then.

H used to just let it all happen which IMO is abuse by proxy.

I'm sure when his phone blows up he will throw me back under the bus to appease these people.


positivelyfourthstreet's picture

My kids always say they are never coming to visit when they move out . They are afraid SD and her peeps will get their address and start shit at their house.