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Does your DH?

poisonivy's picture

Seem to think that his custody, visitation arrangement is the WORST of all time????? I spend countless hours per year trying to get him to realize that there are plenty of good men, good fathers who have it waaaaaaay worse than he does.

I am constantly reminding him what it means to get divorced and how he walked into it with eyes wide open. Why can't he just be thankful that BM pawns them off on us anytime she wants to go out and have a good time? That's a lot more than some dads get!


somerg's picture

can she adopt my skds? my dh's ex wont give him the time of day with them if it wasn't ordered...we have to get atty's involved to see them this christmas because it's not ORDERED and she had them the entire break and thanksgiving day except for the day of a funeral which the kids didn't want to attend....and he's NEVER had them for more than 48 hrs for ANY given holiday because she's not "REQUIRED" to let him

poisonivy's picture

We never have to worry about that with insaneclownposse (BM). She is happy to get rid of skids whenever possible....and it doesn't matter who takes them. Its really sad, but DH gets so depressed and its so disgusting because its like dude, it could be so much worse!