poisonapple's Blog
SS Blaring TV Woke Me Up at Four AM! R U KIDDING ME???
After having a heart to heart conversation with SS25 last week about being on the hunt for a full time job (a conversation that brought him to tears because he's "tired of being a loser"... his words, not mine) I had to force DH to get up at 4 AM this morning to go tell SS25 to turn the freakin' tv down. If it were me, I would think that staying up till 4 AM on a weeknight when I know I need to be up early to look for a job is a BAD IDEA. But not SS25. DH called him this morning to see where he's gone to apply so far, and he didn't answer.
help! My adult ss is ruining my marriage!
I've tried to be nice. I've tried to be patient. But I don't know how much longer I can take it! SS25 has no ambition whatsoever. He is lazy, he is a slob, and he doesn't care about anyone but himself. He works part time (no more than 12 hours a week) at a local pizza joint. He is not compelled AT ALL to get a full time job, or even another part time job. We pay his car insurance, he pays no rent, and buys no food. Basically, he contributes absolutely NOTHING to the home. Once in a blue moon he'll prepare dinner for DH and I.
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