New and need help to disengage
I'm new to this site and need some advise. My SS17 was having a senior recognition night at his high school football field (he's in the band) and a week before the event, he asked my DH if just some of the family could be down on the field instead of everyone (we've been together for 7 years, I have 2 kids and he has 4). It wasn't until the night of the event when all the kids, BM, DH, AND SS17's girlfriend were all out on the field that it was ME he didn't want included. So I had to sit on the bleachers and take THEIR family portrait. I felt so humiliated. Afterwards, when they came up to sit at the bleachers, my SD11 and SS13 walked past me to go sit with their mom. I looked at the kids and said "Hi SD & SS!" They looked right past me without an acknowledgement or a word and went to sit with BM. DH who was sitting next to me didn't even notice what went on. When I brought it up to him that it all hurt my feelings, he just responded "Well what do you want me to do?"
BM has always been manipulative with the SC, and my DH sounds like all the ones on this site that reacts too little, too late. This is just one event out of many, too many to list since we've had 50/50 custody with DH's kids for a year now, it was every other wkend at our house till BM married a psycho off the internet, judge intervened due to PAs and we got a legal order to keep the new hubby out of BM's home. I am ignored and disrespected in my home, and DH just says I'm overreacting. I need help learning how to disengage or my marriage will not!
- pinklady's blog
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In regards to BM's DH, she met him online and married him six months later. We started to realize there was a problem when this new man showed an unhealthy interest in my youngest SS who was ten at the time (now he's 13). We then checked his phone when they would come for their scheduled weekend with us and just this weekend alone from Friday morning to Sunday evening he would have 70 text from BM's DH. There were many other things, according to the neighbors he would carry the boy on his hip, and taking the boy places alone and leaving the other children behind, including his own children. So we made a decision to file for custody and we moved out of our new home so that we can move into the children's school district in case we did receive more custody. After hiring a special court Psycologist, it turned out the new DH was grooming the child to be molested, if it hadn't happened already. Long story short, we got 50-50 custody after The judge ordered no contact with the new DH and the chiildren, so he moved, he actually moved cross the country and BM is still in love with him in in denial of anything ever happening to her son. She even visited him this summer.
The reason the Senior night was also upsetting was that my two children from previous marriage where allowed to be on the field.
Thank you for taking the time
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In regards to BM's DH, she met him online and married him six months later. We started to realize there was a problem when this new man showed an unhealthy interest in my youngest SS who was ten at the time (now he's 13). We then checked his phone when they would come for their scheduled weekend with us and just this weekend alone from Friday morning to Sunday evening he would have 70 text from BM's DH. There were many other things, according to the neighbors he would carry the boy on his hip, and taking the boy places alone and leaving the other children behind, including his own children. So we made a decision to file for custody and we moved out of our new home so that we can move into the children's school district in case we did receive more custody. After hiring a special court Psycologist, it turned out the new DH was grooming the child to be molested, if it hadn't happened already. Long story short, we got 50-50 custody after The judge ordered no contact with the new DH and the chiildren, so he moved, he actually moved cross the country and BM is still in love with him in in denial of anything ever happening to her son. She even visited him this summer.
The reason the Senior night was also upsetting was that my two children from previous marriage where allowed to be on the field.