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phxstepmom's Blog

Out of my mind over child support.....

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Here's the history. BM did not have a job at time of divorce and told the judge she was going to go back to school and that it would take one year, DH makes 20.00 an hour. Judge orders $1100.00 a month (half of all his paychecks)in child support until BM finishes school and gets a job. Ok, fine. BM finishes school a year later and we pay the $150.00 for her to take her state certification test because she says without it she can't get a job. She took the test and became a Respiratory Therapist.

Holiday Stress!!!

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I need to know if I am being crazy or unreasonable when it comes to the holiday's and my DH's family. It has always been their Christmas tradition to celebrate on Christmas Eve, they stay up until after midnight so that the children can open their gifts. It is my families tradition to wake up early on Christmas morning after Santa came and open gift's. The problem is that we have small children and when we keep them up all night on Christmas Eve to make my DH's family happy, they are misserable on Christmas day with my family.