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Can't Keep YOUR Food in the House?

Penny19's picture

I just read a blog where someone posted about the SS looking through the kitchen cabinets. It reminded me of what I used to do.  I have 2 SS's (out of the house now) that were like human straws. If I'd buy a carton of OJ, it'd be gone in minutes. Sooooo...I started disguising MY stuff in plain sight.  I poured my OJ into a prune juice jug. What teenager likes prune juice? You have to get rid of the OJ carton so they don't know there's OJ in the house.  Some things I'd put in a brown paper bag, fold it down numerous times and staple it closed. I'd take a magic marker and write a friend's name or mom on the bag like it was for someone else. A few treats that didn't need to be refrigerated I'd put in my bedroom closet. They could eat anything under the sun but yet I'd buy Healthy Choice cookies or something and they'd want to scarf those down. Really? I had to get creative. Hope this helps!


TwelveLongYrs79's picture

Actually did this with her own BK. She'd put her frozen treats inside a certain vegetable bag that he hated (cauliflower I believe), because left in there initially he would have just eaten all of them... she'd make sure there was a box of off brand cereal that he hated, that she'd fill with the good stuff so she could still eat it. Made sure there were no clean towels, his all the toilet paper except one roll. 
It was brilliant...and it part of her passive aggressively plan to launch him out of the house (that was her desired result, he was an adult). 

shamds's picture

chocolate in a brown paper bag or white plastic  container marked “Laxatives”, juice in a non clear bottle marked as vinegar, cookies in a container marked as “poo softener”. Lol lets take the piss out of this situation and go to the extremes. 

Cover1W's picture

YSD used to only eat the expensive maple syrup. After several rounds of that I ended up buying Aunt Jemima, and put it into the expensive jar. Never knew the difference.

Did the same thing with OSDs shampoo into a different bottle.

Steptotheright's picture

We do a snack cabinet with a padlock. When the kids want a snack they have to come through us. 30 or $40 of snacks and sweets would be gone in one or two days if we didn't take this measure.

Cooooookies's picture

Similar to steptotheright, I found a thin cable bike lock to go on the snack cupboard.  I rationed the sweet and savoury junk food whilst the kitchen was open to anything decent SS wanted to eat.  I also put a lock on my bedroom door and kept all of my food locked away when I wasn't home.  He doesn't do this so much anymore but it took about 5 years of h3ll to get to this peaceful place.

Chmmy's picture

Im mostly vegan and whole food diet and the skids eat only processed crap. I have my own shelf in the fridge and my own area in the pantry. No one touches my crap except maybe grapes or apples and i buy a ridiculous amount of bananas because everyine eats them. I keep my washed grapes in my own container so they dont contaminate with their grimey fingers. They never touched a fruit or vegetable until I made them do a chalenge of 30 days of eating a fruit or veg with every meal and they got $20 at game stop. At first they didnt accept the challenge because  dadddeeee buys them everything anyway til he said they get nothing til the challenge is complete. 

Penny19's picture

All awesome posts and I thought I was the only one! We eventually did change the knob on our bedroom door to one that locks, just like a door going to the outside. We couldn't even sit out on the porch w/o someone tossing our room....thievery and snooping. That eventually led to locking them out of the house when they got home from school and we weren't here, then being thrown out of the house altogether. I will say that was a time when DH was very fair and stopped trying to be father of the year. He was fed up.

advice.only2's picture

I think this is normal with skids and bios alike. Before Spawn lived with us full time she would scarf down and eat all the snacks in the snack drawer and I would have to put only a few in there on her weekends. Once she lived with us full time she stopped woofing down all the snacks like they were going out of style, maybe because they were always there now?

She did have a habit of eating my lunch salads so I just started getting one everyday while I was at work and not stocking them at home unless she specifically asked for one.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I have to hide things from my DH, who has a sweet tooth the size of Alaska. My go-to is a bag of brussel sprouts. I even wrap cookies individually (saran wrap) and put them in the bag. This has worked for YEARS. *dirol*

Cover1W's picture

Yes!  Me too - hide the chocolate!  He can eat chocolate like no one I have ever known.  He's dialed it back a little, but then started going after my cheesy popcorn - THAT was all Cover could handle without a fit.  That's my rare treat! 

So chocolate I'd have to literally hide from him (I still have some socked away for now and then) and the popcorn I buy only in smaller bags 'cause he'll finish it off in no time after I open it...I used to have to hide it from OSD too - I'd put it under my side of the bed.