SS11 came home on Friday, and i am already at the end of my patience :(
I think dh asked me 15 times this weekend what was wrong and was I upset or was I mad....or commented that I seemed agitated. And I do feel bad about that.... But I'm sorry, my home and family has been invaded again. To him its just his other child coming home and the family is complete again.... But to me, our family was complete all summer and now I have an ungreatful house guest that I have to cater to and clean up after. A house guest that I dont want, but that never leaves.
Continued in the comments.
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with out the rest of your
with out the rest of your entry I understand this and used to get the same way when SD17 would come home from a weekend away or her month long visitation to her BM. Now she has moved out to MIL and my kids were away a week and it was just DH and I. I noticed yesterday when they returned he was edgy and flat like that.
Difference is I understand why!
It all started off on a bad
It all started off on a bad note. His flight got in after midnight so I was asleep when they got home. SS of coarse couldn't be bothered to be considerate of the three sleeping people in the house and I woke up they got in. I had cleaned ss's room from top to bottom while he was gone, but apparently there was a napkin somewhere in his room. Either it was under the dresser and I missed it or a cat brought it in, or maybe the baby. But this is what I hear....
Ss- daddy, what is this. It was in my room..
Dh- its a napkin. Just throw it out.
Long silence, either I didn't hear what SS said, or he must have just stood there with a confused look on his face.
Dh- SS, its a napkin, just throw it way. Did you even notice that mommy cleaned your whole room?
Ss-yeah. But why is this in my room? (Meaning the napkin )
Dh- who cares, just throw it out.
Well, this napkin obviously had him completely confused because first thing in the morning, he brings that friggin napkin to me to ask if its mine and why is it in his room. I just gave him the look and told him to throw the friggin napkin away and threw in a "oh. Y the way, your welcome for spending three days to clean out the mess in your room" no thank you from him.
That's just one example of how frustrating this kid is. Every little thing is fixated on and he will just pick and pick and pick at it.
Then of coarse he was up before 7am that morning, making noise. So I thought I would be nice and get donuts for breakfast. And also I didn't want to deal with any issues with him and meal times. Who doesn't like donuts right? Should be an easy step mom win. Of coarse not. All I heard all summer was how much he was he's taking three helpings at every meal. Now this is the completely opposite of my experience with this kid....and true to form....SS doesn't eat the donuts. He ends up eating one at dhs insistence.
We took the kids out to Busch Gardens for the day and SS was annoying as can be. Running his mother the entire time, trying to tell bs4 what to do, taking bs4 by the hand and leading him away from us. At one point bs4 was walking up on the edging of a garden and I tell him to get down, and SS immediately gets up on it after I tell BS to get down. He also has this habit of repeating himself over and over and over. Drives me insane.
For lunch we bought the boys a chicken strip and French fries basket and I said that once they eat the chicken that they can have some funnel cake. Bs4 had a bite of chicken and asked for funnel cake, I again repeated that he needs to eat all the chicken before he gets dessert ( I don't care if they eat the ff). So BS eats all his chicken and about half his fries, so I give him his piece of funnel cake. SS has now eaten all of his French fries, and not a bite of chicken. Dh then gives him his funnel cake. Way to undermine me dh. I didn't say anything, if he wants to encourage his kids shitty eating and completely disregard for following g instructions, whatever.
We get home. Bs4 was taking a nap, dh passed out on the couch sleeping, I am nursing the baby to get him down for a nap. SS come in and sits inches for dhs head....and just stares at the wall. "SS, what are you doing?" Huh? " you see your father is sleeping, go find something to do!" He is just always there.....for no reason. The TV wasn't on, no one was talking, he didn't have a book or a toy.....just sitting there staring at the wall. My kids are way you get, 4 and 1 and they play independently all the time....but SS only goes away when you specifically tell him he has to.
Another point during the weekend the baby had dumped out all his duplo blocks out on the floor. I was in and out of the room putting g away laundry. SS apparently decided to "help" me by cleaning up the blocks. And then decided to play with them himself. So he the bucket of blocks behind him while the baby was crying in front of him because he didnt have any blocks to play with, and SS yelling at him because the baby is breaking the thing he was making because he wanted blocks to play with. So I say....why are the blocks all in the bin instead of on the floor where he can gets them? He wouldn't be trying to steal yours in he had some to play with." Dh jumps in agitated that SS was just trying to help me out by cleaning up and he thought bs1 was done playing. Rriigghhtt.
And so much more..... Too
And so much more..... Too much to type it all out on my phone. I just over it already.