Just as I thought... the fall to reality has been hard. Skids have been back a week and my nerves are already shot
Skids got back from their two months away last Tuesday. I really did try to come back at this with a new positive attitude. I really did. But these kids have already beaten that hope out of me.
Here's a quick run down of my week.
Tuesday- got home from work and skids were already home. Dh had given them mcdonalds for dinner and all the wrappers were left on the table, ketchup smeared all over the table, food on the floor. My clean house looked like a bomb had gone off. Their rooms that I had literally spent hour, HOURS, cleaning were a mess already. Ss10 was ok behavior wise that night, Sd9 was already throwing attitude around and bullying bs3 (telling him he wasnt allowed to talk and yelling at him if he made any noise).
Wed- Skids took over 40 minutes to get dressed and put on shoes, so I end up late for work and get chewed out by boss. After work I pick the skids and bs3 up from daycare. Daycare worker points out rash of sd's thighs. Apparently she gained so much weight with mil that now her thighs rub together so hard when she walks that she has a friction burn. The drive to the nanny's to get bs-3months months starts out ok, with the skids telling me about their vacation. But Sd9, true to form, has to be the center of attention and gets pissy about the thing SS did that last week (when he was with my mom instead of mil.). So she starts being a brat to him putting his stuff down, and exaggerating her stuff. Her need to be the best at everything is obsessive. They both went to a water park that last week. But she's still jealous, so she has to start in with well mine was better, mine had more slides, mine cost 200 dollars a ticket, ect ect. I tried to explain/correct/parent them to act right. But they just kept sniping at eachother so the ride home was a silent ride. I have to call SD to dinner three times as be blatently ignores me. Dh gets home 15 minutes after Tue kids go to bed and he's pissy that I put them to bed.
Thursday- Took half an hour to get dressed, but we left just barely on time. SD starts in immediately pointing out to SS everything that she got more of while with mil. I got six pairs of sun glasses and you only got two. I got seven pairs of shoes and you only got two. They descend into bickering. I just ignored it and talked to bs3. Picking them up from daycare went about the same as the day before and we ended up with a silent ride half way to the nanny. Bs3 had to go potty so when we got there I took him to the bathroom instead of going straight to the baby. Sd,on her own, wandered through the nannys house to her bedroom (where the baby was, and climbed on the nannys bed with her shoes on. I was mortified, dirt and mud all over her bedspread. Baby is also now sick, because Dh let them hold him before they showered and changed from the airport. Nevermind I asked him specifically not to do that, that the airport germs would get him sick. But who listens to sm, right? We get home and I call the kids for dinner. Instead of coming for dinner, SD gets in the shower and takes a 45 minute shower. It's 5 minutes to bedtime when she gets out, so she scarfs her dinner down and gets pissy when I tell her to go to bed.
Friday- On the way to school SD starts telling SS that mil sent down a laptop just for her. And that Dh is going to fix it and give it to her and he's not going to be allowed to share it. They go back and forth for a while, with SS saying daddys not going to let you have a computer, and her responding with "well, abuela is really the boss and she's going to make daddy give it to me. And she said that if he doesn't that daddy has to pay her back all the money for the computer. SS asked me if she was too g to keep the computer, and I said this is the first I am hearing of the computer so I don't know what the deal is. So when I get home (ive don't work Fridays and Dh called off) I ask him what the deal is with the computer and tell him everything SD said. He calls his mom up and she NEVER SAID ANY OF IT. She sent the computer to see if Dh could fix it for her, and mail it back. Once again SD is just lying her ass off. I spent the.morning unpacking their bags and discover that SD is already sneaking extra candy in her room. I had cleaned out her wrapper hiding spot when they were gone and it already had several candy wrappers stashed back in it AND she had snuck a bottle of soda into her room too. I tell dh handle it cause I am done with her BS. He yells at her she she gets home, but no punishment.
Sat- more of the same. SS and SD fighting constantly and leaving messes. At one point I walk by ss's room to see him playing "bucking bronco" with bs3 on how bed. Had BS on his back, trying the throw him off, over terrazzo floors. This kid has no common sense. Do I really have to explain to a 10.5 year old why that's not a good idea? SD never plays with BS, and whenever SS does its never safe or appropriate.
Sunday- Took the kids to Adventure Island. SD chose to wear brandnew leather dress sandles instead of her water shoes. Was told in the parking lot not to get them wet. We stayed and hour and a half. In that time the skids got spoken to/yelled at no less than 20 times, bs3 was told not to do something once. They ran off from us three times. SS came within an inch of smacking some woman in the head with a lounge chair. Time to leave and SS derived to clean his sand-covered sandles in the pool, instead of the rinsing showers, where we were going. The skids just walk away without saying a word as we are packing up. Dh screams at them, and their explaination was "we thought wed just go on those slides". On the way to the showers, SD goes and completely sinks her sandals into the water. And then proceeds to lie right to dhs face, even though he watched her do it. In the 5 minutes it takes me to distribute dry clothes and towels in front of the bathrooms/showers, the skids wandered off three more times, even though I am telling them down go anywhere. Everyone leaves completely pissed.
Come to find out that SD hasn't brushed her hair since last Tueday. She decided to just keep adding the gel and mousse than mil bought her. So now she has one giant dread lock of tangled hair (she has really curly hair) she also lied about brushing her teeth for days. It was Thursday night when I happened to be in the bathroom with s when I told her to brush her terth. She had to go to the suitcase to find it. Nasty had been lying about brushing her teeth for three days.
I am so spent. I just don't have the energy to keep on top of these kids. They literally behave like toddlers, my 3 yr old behaves better. I absulutely refuse to take all 4 kids anywhere on the weekends without Dh. He has the tendency to stay home and in he past I've always just taken the kids by myself. Now with the baby, its too much. I refuse. When Dh stays home, so will the skids. I'll take my boys out and his can stay home with him. He made a snide comment on Sat that 'its not so bad' in reference to me taking all 4 to the fleamarket by myself to kill time. But come next weekend, they are all in for a rude awakening. During the 4 instance of the skids walking off on Sat I told Dh "see, and you want me to take these kids out by myself?? No way". But by next weekend, after a week of no interaction with his kids, he will be back to the they aren't bad mentailty and expect me to take them all out again.
And its only been a week.... How am I going to make it till next summer???
- PeanutandSons's blog
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It would be a short
It would be a short chart.
Get dressed and brush your teeth is all I expect of them... That's it. They eat breakfast at daycare and I leave room cleaning and chores until we get home at the end of the day.
Underwear, shorts, a shirt and sandals. Brush teeth. And that takes them half an hour. I lay the clothes out the night before too.
I left without SD having her hair brushed as she was too f-ing slow again. Dh is pissed at me, but I refuse to be late again on their account. Maybe going to daycare with frizzy hair will make her move her ass a bit faster tomorrow.