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Is it normal for ten and eleven yr olds to completely oblivious all the time?

PeanutandSons's picture

Honestly. I know kids can be scatter brained at time, but my skids take it to the next level. I honestly think there is something wrong with them. SS for sure, SD might be doing on purpose.

Dh just called me in a rage. He got home after dropping the kids at school, bs4 at preschool and bs11 months at then sitter and running a few errands. A two hour trip. He gets home to find the front door had been left wide open by the skids. Wide fucking open.

Dh left the house first with bs4 and the baby to get them in their car seat and of coarse the skids weren't ready quite yet. So it was one of them, but of coarse no one will fess up to it. They do this shit all the time. House door constantly left open, they walk away with the car door wide open. Thankfully it is rainy today so the cats didn't get out. Thankfully no one decided to loot our home in the two house it was left open for the taking.

SS also closed bs4s door on him, slamming his fingers in the door. Never mind dh tells him every friggin day not to touch his door, he continues to do it. Says, I forgot. Told the same thing everyday for the entire school year and he forgets. The sad thing is....I believe him. He is so utterly clueless to what goes on around him and is so shocked when he gets spoken to about the same shit every day.

It just seems like no matter how much effort we put in, how many times they are told, how many times they are punished.....nothing ever sinks in. Nothing. Every meal is a nightmare with them acting like jackles, every car ride end in a silent ride for them, every weekend they gets yelled at for the same thing over and over....yet they never make any progress. Every time its like the first time they've ever heard it.

With bs4 I tell him something once....maybe twice and he modifies his behavior. Its groundhogs day every day with the skids.


PeanutandSons's picture

Yep, SD spills he drink every time she pours one....because she doesn't hold the cup and is looking around at everything but what she's doing. You'd think after the tbousanth time shed start paying attention, but nope.

Food all over them, the table, the chairs and the floor every time they eat....they make more of a mess than my 4 yr old. And they are completely oblivius until you literally point it all out to them.

Tuff Noogies's picture

IMHO, it's just that they're so damn accustomed to someone else doing shit for them that they dont HAVE to have their wits about them. they CAN walk around completely oblivious.

sadly, dumbass lives the same way. she doesnt HAVE to handle responsibilities, cuz she's got her safety net- she had kids, so everyone (DH, her Mom, MIL, her g-mom) always steps in to cover her ass cuz they care about the kids' wellbeing. she CAN be self-absorbed and oblivious. and skids see this and think it's normal and that's how life works. and it does work for them.

PeanutandSons's picture


PeanutandSons's picture

Both my skids are horrible with that. I think they are told to mind their own business ten times a day. I can not stand it when they answer a question directed at someone else. Most specifically when bs4 asks a question directed at me or dh and they jump in and answer it before we respond.

PeanutandSons's picture

I don't eat in the same room as them anymore. But I do insist that they clean up after themselves when they are done....and every meal they are shocked as can be when I point out the mess they left behindm

DarkStar's picture

YES!!!! SD10 and SS8 are just like this. When I was their age I did all sorts of stuff on my own...rode my bike all over town, went to the public pool in the summer with my friends, typical kid stuff. SS8 would walk right in front of a car in the middle of the street completely oblivious. SD10 is such a clumsy space cadet she can't even walk to school by herself....3 whole blocks away. She never looks where she's walking, she's always bumping into people and things and we are always saying, "Watch where you're going SD10!" like a broken record.
I just shake my head at what helpless dumbasses kids are many of them act half their ages. And it's no wonder that they don't move out when they're 18....they only have the mentality of a 9 year old at that age!

And all three skids interrupt and answer questions for each other and butt into adult conversations...not always, but often enough to drive me bonkers. It drives DH bonkers, too, sometimes he gives up and yells at them to leave the room and give us some space. I love him so much when he does that. }:)

PeanutandSons's picture

They are so helpless its insane. And SS will be coming home to an empty house after school next year. Right now they all go to daycare after school and I get them on the way home from work but SS will be in middle school and the bus will drop him at the end of our street. I am scared to death of this.

I think back to what I did at their ages as a kid, and by comparison you would think that my skids have a mental deficiency. By 11 I was staying home by myself on a regular, could have free rein of the neighborhood to play, I was riding my bike to and from school in the nicer weather (3 miles away) and my 12 yr old sister and I would be left home to babysit my 8 yr old brother. We got up and ready for school with no adult supervision (dad left for work early and mom worked night and wasn't home yet) and we managed to get up, get ready and tend the animals before catching the bus every day. At 12, one year older than SS is now, I was babysitting infants....I can't even trust SS alone in his room....let alone entrust a baby to his care.

I would sooner leave bs4 home alone before I left him home with the skids in charge.