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DH is an idiot!!

peaceofmind's picture

I swear he is freaking clueless or he just doesn't give a shit about SD12. Tonight he is allowing a little 12 year old to go to a high school football game with her other 12 year old friend. The friend has a sister in high school who is also going. I am soooooo not ok with but it is his child his decision. But I just don't see how it is appropriate that a 12 year old hang out with high school kids. He thinks that everything that comes out of her mouth must be true. Ya freaking right! He is just asking for trouble down the line.


hismineandours's picture

Eek! I am letting my 12 year old daughter go to the football game with her 12 year old friends next weekend. And half the parents around here do the same. It's a small school-everyone knows my dd so we dont worry too much. And yes, we trust her. Hard to believe but we do.-now my ss (who is also 12) is another story.

mom2five's picture

Anyone who knows me, would tell you that I am extremely over-protective. But I wouldn't have a problem with my 12 year old going to a high-school football game with her friends. My kids did that all the time at that age.

Remember, those freshman kids are barely 14. A few are 13.

peaceofmind's picture

Thanks for the advice ladies. I feel a little better now. The only thing is that we live in a big city and this is a big high school. I just don't want her thinking that she can act like high school girls. She already acts older than she is. Also this summer she pretty much lost her trust for lying to us and I still have problems believing anything she says.

peaceofmind's picture

I am sooooo overprotective! LOL! I know she hates it and I know I can't shelter her forever, but I just can't stand to see her trying to grow up too fast. My DH and I talked about it later and he saw my point and I saw his aswell. She is a cheerleader and really wanted to see the high school girls cheer. I just decided to come along and she was excited about that. So I guess everyone was happy in the end:)

peaceofmind's picture

Smile Yeah!!!
She is a great kid and I love her to death but 12 for a girl is a hard age.