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PB's picture

I'm at work, he just says that he is packing his stuff and will leave me. 

He is my first man, and my partner for 10 yeras.

I'll go home, if he really packed and left me, i cant live anymore.

I will take all the medicines in the fridge and sleep. 


justmakingthebest's picture

PB- Please don't let him have this affect on you. I don't know what happened and I haven't gone back to read but I will.

I PROMISE, things will be ok even if he did leave. It's amazing how much strength that you have and don't even realize it. You will find peace and you will be happy again. 

thinkthrice's picture

You have plenty of life in front of you.  These men with previously enjoyed families are so not worth it!

ESMOD's picture

Please seek out some support resources.  Life is worth living and our lives are not dependent on what some "person" thinks of us.  Clearly your SO has some serious issues.. and not having a successful relationship is no reason to throw in the towel.  

You can survive this and go on to have a wonderful life.. please try to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

PB's picture

I dont have any hope left, i am 10 years older now, first when i met him and fell in love, i was so younger and full of life. I dont have anything left now. No joy, no shine in my eyes anymore, no excitement, dont want or have children anymore, dont want anything in life. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

You are exactly the age you are supposed to be. You will be the same age if he stays or if he goes. If he stays, you will just be this age dealing with his crap and his daughter's crap. I don't know if you want biological children, but you don't have any with him so if he leaves, you have lost nothing as far as that goes.

I was lying awake last night wondering why it feels like such a loss to become single, even if the relationship you are in sucks. I think it's programmed into us, either by society or biology. But some relationships are BAD for us. We are worse in them. Worse than single!

Also, about that - no matter how old you are, you can still find a partner. People find love at all ages. I read a story about a couple who met and married after both were over 100. It is hard to break up, and insulting when you are the one broken up with, but you are so miserable with this guy. Reading your previous posts, could being single be any worse than what you describe in your posts? 

Lillywy00's picture

wondering why it feels like such a loss to become single, even if the relationship you are in sucks. I think it's programmed into us, either by society or biology. But some relationships are BAD for us. We are worse in them. Worse than single!


Rumplestiltskin's picture

Also, please don't take the meds in the fridge. Please don't do anything to harm yourself. I'm probably decades older than you and i have learned that the best medicine for the way you feel now is time. Let time pass. Take deep breaths. You WILL feel better than you feel now, i promise! 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

PB, that man has dulled your shine with his narcissistic ways. Life will improve without him and his terrible treatment of you. He has been using you. You deserve so much better!

MorningMia's picture

At my lowest point (or one of the lowest points), I remember lying in bed and thinking, "What can I do right now? What do I have the energy for?" My answer at that moment was, "Breathe." And I thought, "Ok. I can breathe. I'll do that right now and let whatever it is --God, the Universe, whatever--guide me through my daily actions until I can put in more effort."  

Go home and BREATHE. Cry. Call a hotline. Reach out to family and friends. You have no idea what is in store for you in one week, one month, one year, one decade. Don't give up on that!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

He is NOT worth it. This man has made you miserable for YEARS. It hurts now, but your life will improve without the burden of him, his kid, and his exw. 

Please call your parents. Call 112. That awful user is not worth your life. 

It is never to late to find love. My widowed father found love again at 86yo. My DH and I reconnected when I was 46yo. It is never too late.

Felicity0224's picture

I understand the pain you're in, I've been there too. But I promise you that if you can just hold on through the really hard days ahead, there IS so much life and joy on the other side. I felt like I couldn't breathe, like I would never be happy again, like there was nothing to look forward to. I called a friend to sit with me because I was scared what I might do, and she held me up while I worked on just breathing. The bad feelings passed and since that time I have built a life more beautiful and full than I could ever imagine. YOU can do the same! You're a good person with a beautiful heart and there is a bright future ahead. You're strong enough to get through this. Please do not do anything drastic. Call a friend or family member, or call emergency services. You deserve all the good things in life, you just have to hold on a bit longer. 

CLove's picture

These feelings will pass.

Please do not waste your beauty and love on this horrible person. You will feel differently - just give it a few days!


PetSpoiler's picture

He's not worth it.  Don't let him steal your life.  Suicide isn't the answer.  It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  You WILL get through it if he does leave and you will be better off if he does.  He's stolen enough of your time, your peace, and your resources.  Don't let him steal the rest of your life.  

Winterglow's picture

Please call an emergency helpline and an ambulance! Your life is worth so much more than this!

Lillywy00's picture

Hope you're okay. 

You may want to have someone take you to the ER. 

PB's picture

I'm not worthy. Was not a good daughter for my mom and dad even. And not a good sister. Not a good wife.

CLove's picture

I know! Cliche but its true.

As horrible as you feel right now, Im here to tell you that where theres life there is still hope.

Please call medics! Please stay with us!!! Call someone call anyone.

Felicity0224's picture

You can't know if you were a good wife or not because you didn't have a good husband. And I guarantee your parents and siblings don't feel that way about you. Please pick up the phone and call emergency services. Time can heal so, so much. But you have to give time the opportunity to work.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

PB is in Turkey. I'll message Dawn with her location, but have no idea how that country handles things. *sorry2*

I reached out to a couple of places with the info I have. Pray.

SeeYouNever's picture

I just requested to be your friend here. If you want to talk please message me. I know you feel bad now but talking to someone is the best thing to do. You are not unworthy and you aren't alone.

Rags's picture

Deep breaths.  Rather than a reason to check out, this is a reason to celebrate the start to your new life adventure.

50 is not the end. It isn't even Sr citizen. It is solid middle age with high income potential and every opportunity for an amazing life.

Do not invoke a permanent solution to a temporary problem.   There are 3.5+ Billion men on this planet. Far more than most are far better than this POS. Do not deny them.... you.

Get some help, commit to yourself, and go live your best life.  Which... is also the best revenge.

Give rose

PB's picture

I'm alive unfortunately, didn't die last night. I dont remember,  I felt dizzy and then when u woke up I was on the floor. Didnt want to make you scared. I'm sorry. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

We were so worried. We are here for you to vent or seek advice. Things will get better. 

Felicity0224's picture

I am so relieved that you're still with us. I woke up several times in the night worrying about you. I hope and pray that you can use this time to seek support. You deserve to move on and have a wonderful life. Please keep posting here so we'll know that you're okay, we can help you through the hard days. 

MorningMia's picture

Good news! Now for a plan to be put in place for you to get back to being who you really are! 

classyNJ's picture

Thank goodness!  We were worried and care.  Please reach out to any one of us if you need to talk.  

YOU are worth it!

CLove's picture

PB thank you for staying with us and letting us know how you are.

Blog as much as you care to, writing it out WILL help.

Im so thankful that you are ok, I was thinking about you all day yesterday. Hugs from Foggy California!

Shieldmaiden's picture

I'm so glad you are okay. Please be kind to yourself. You deserve better than this man. Things will be brighter when you start allowing yourself to live again. Take care.

Firefly7's picture


How are you doing? What can we do to help? Thinking of you!