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I didn't think it would be this hard!

Paradise Lost's picture

I guess no one who comes here has it easy. That's certainly the case for me. Being a step-parent/girlfriend is new territory for me, though I've worked with children my whole life, and I am a stepchild myself. My bf is so wonderful and I absolutely adore him and thankfully I am 100% secure in the knowledge that he feels the same way too. Everything generally is awesome. We rarely argue and when we do voices are never raised in anger and we always work it out. But no doubt the biggest stressor in our home (our - I moved in about 6 months ago)is his 6 year old boy.

There were issues before I came along but these days it's gone from the occasional tantrum to a daily explosion of anger and rage. I usually take a back seat, that's the way the bf wants it, and I do my best but it is hard!!
Last week the screams were so bad I actually left the house, and it's not the first time I have done that. I grabbed by book, got a hot chocolate and sat alone in a school parking lot until it was safe to go back home.

My bf does his very best. He really does. He is a great dad but of course thinks he's terrible because of his reactions to the tantrums. It breaks my heart.

Because of these episodes, sometimes lasting 30-60 minutes in length, I find it really hard to like the child. I mean, you shouldn't have to try to like a child!!!! It kills me! I feel so guilty and I can't stand it. There are times when he is wonderful. His laugh in infectious. But those other times??? I feel like running away.

I've always been a natural with kids. They gravitate to me. But this is so much harder than I ever thought it would be. I feel lost! Sometimes when I try to connect with him I get sneered and yelled at so that makes me not want to even bother anymore.

I have to remind myself that he is just a child and doesn't know how to express himself but it's not an easy task when he's screaming that he wishes his dad and I weren't together.

So what's a girl to do???

I have no say. But do I want say? I get little affection. Of course I want that. I'm not his mom. So I'm reminded every time she darkens our doorway. Do I even want to be that? (Clarification - I know I'm not his mom and I would never take over, but it would be nice to feel like more than I do.)

Anyway, if anyone out there reads this and has a similar experience and wants to share that would be great.
Best of luck to you all out there in the same boat!!!



Paradise Lost's picture

Parents have taken him to see a counselor but nothing has really been figured out yet. He's fine in school so the behaviour is only at home.

Paradise Lost's picture

She finds it really hard. She also has an older child who is as quiet as a mouse. She's a single mom, doing the best she can but I am very skeptical of her choices. ie boyfriends coming and going.

No saint's picture

At the age of 6 they DO know how to behave and how to communicate. I've been dating DH since SS7 was 2 and trust me, they know how to manipulate and have it their own way since the age of 2 or 3. Honestly, I believe the best way of dealing with a tantrum is to put the child in a room alone and pay no attention whatsoever; after the tantrum, punishment follows. It may be as simple as "no dessert today", but it'll show him that no bad behavior will go unpunished. Trust me: if the kid has no particular issues, the tantrums will diminish drastically after a few "cry if you want, as long as you do it on you own" and an equal number of punishments/consequences.

Paradise Lost's picture

We try that for sure. My SO will walk away. I swear he will pace circles right through the hardwood floor!lol
I completely agree though, walk away and don't feed into it. So hard to bite my tongue though at times.

No saint's picture

I know, but after the first times, you will feel great turning your back and not back-lashing; you get your revenge later, as kids loathe being punished! Wink