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Tried to leave again

overworkedmom's picture

I got in a big fight with AHH (a$$ hole husband) yesterday. I took my kids and left for work with them because I didn't feel safe leaving them. This is such a long story and I don't know what to cut out but I wound up coming back to the house because he threatened to "lie on the stand" during my custody hearing with my ex if I left to make sure that I would lose my kids. I am waiting to hear back from my lawyer. I am so trapped right now I can't breathe.

We fought for hours. Ended the night not talking. It's not that he wants me for anything other than ownership and control. I just have to make sure that I leave the "right way" at whatever my lawyer says is the "right time". I just keep hoping he decides that he is done and wants me out. At least I am ready. I have the funds, I have the apartment picked out. There are 3 three-bedrooms available. I just need to make my escape.


misSTEP's picture

So this guy thinks that threatening to help your EX get custody is going to endear him to you???

What a freaking nutcase. I worry about you. If he is that far off his rocker to think that you guys can have a future when he says stupid bullshit like this?? I really think you need to leave and not come back regardless of what your lawyer or anyone else says. If he DOES show up for court, I am sure that any competent lawyer would be able to show that he is testifying for the other side because of your separation.

What a fucking asshole! My DH has done some horrible things in his day (non-medicated ADHD/anxiety and alcoholism) and was very verbally abusive at times but he NEVER said anything so over the top to me. Some things cannot be forgiven or forgotten.

Does he ever scare you when you fight? If so, you could check into getting an RO on him.

Otherwise, next time you fight so bad that you take your children with because you can't trust HIM? DON'T answer the phone. If he wants to unleash his ASS upon you, he can do it via text or voicemail!

Please take care of yourself. This guy sounds very unstable.

amber3902's picture

I wouldn't worry too much about what he says in court. Like mistep says, your lawyer should be able to show that he's lying.

Plus, you have the fact that you're a BM on your side, we all know that the courts favor BMs anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much.