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Weekend Coming Not Welcome

overitall's picture

I don't blog much, but this week and the upcoming weekend has really gottne me upset. Two days ago my DH found out the ss's counselor said he can not come visit any more unless we (DH & I) go for a visit. He has seen her before, I have not. We realized this was wrong on so many levels, and new there had to be more to it than that. The end result is that ss and counselor decided it was not a good idea until this happened. DH and ex atleast agree that this was wrong of counselor and will be looking for another.
I have flat out refused to go visit anymore of his counselors for various reasons. I have stated I will do a phone conference if needed.
The problem with this weekend is that ss does not want to come, Dh and ex says he has to. It is our bio-daughters 5 year birthday party. DH has been warned before this weekend, that I do not want any of his drama. He pulled a drama week last year all week the week of bd's birthday. Now DH really believes that counselor is at fault and won't listen to me that ss has a fault int his as well. I don't believe this is a coincidence, as ss knew this was the party weekend.
I'm just really pissed that my daughter can never have 1 day where she is the center without ss pushing his way in. I have not spoke to him in a year, but I think if he starts at the party!
Thanks for reading


starfish's picture

ss can stick it. and if dh doesn't like he can stick it with him AWAY from bd's party. and if dh does that, we'll deal with him later. bd's party most important!

instantfamily's picture

If ss can't visit until you both visit him, doesn't that serve your purpose? You won't have to have ss at bd's party?? I'd say hooray to that and let ss stay with his mom while you and DH have fun with your bd. Figure out what to do about ss after her birthday. She deserves to have some fun this year especially since last year got ruined. Unless I'm missing something?