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The fine example of PAS

overit2's picture

I have a friend of mine that lives out of state...when him and his wife divorced she went on a big PAS campaign and demonized the boys dad. Consequently he ended up moving after his kids-mainly oldest started hating dad.

The kid ended up in SO much crap, gangs, juvi, rehab, now back to facing a possible is a recovering alcoholic that has been clean for several years. I honestly think the witch drove him to drink.

This man paid $3k a month in CS and ALIMONY_while lazy ass cow of his exwife shacked up w/another man 3 months after the divorce, got knocked up, the man wasn't working-he was supporting ALL of them and the new bf/baby.

The oldest is 21 now-no more support-the youngest is almost 18...his alimony is since over. He has given and given to support the family-the woman never worked a day in her life-ADMITTED to me she didn't go back to work when she could have because things were bad w/my friend and if she did she wouldn't get alimony....

So-now that oldest is in trouble AGAIN-they tried hitting dad up for more $ Smile Apparently he didn't answer...first he's probably sick of being atm-second he probably knows as an addict himself his kid will just have to hit rock bottom-and he's no longer bailing him out-conseuqences for your actions and all....

THIS is the post I see on the kids wall-AND the moms response (AFTER she like the post):

BOY: Glad to know I can count on ya dad.... Maybe visit while I'm locked up? Fuckin a

PAS MOM: He cant even return a text or call me about helping us w/your legal problems. He's a sad excuse for a father...: (

DAMN I'm pissed....OH and then I see a rant that was disgustingly bashing with cussing any homosexuals using queer and f reference and degrading them.

My friend recently just came out of the closet a couple years back-his whole family does NOT know-..... I suspect his oldest son MAY suspect about his dad...hows that for pathetic?

See what these bitches do??

My dad was talking to me about the grandmother the other day-how the OTHER kid (the better one) wrecked her car-insurance paid off loan but she has no car now. PAS MOM hasn't tried to help her recover a car-but DAD is blamed for not helping out.
And not helping w/the legal costs-of course GRANDMA helped out. OH MY OH MY>>>>>>>


aggravated1's picture

OMG. I have a friend that is performing her own version of PAS against her ex right now-I have tried to ride it out, but we are on the verge of ending the friendship. It is like being friends with DH's ex-can't do it!

overit2's picture

I HOPE this doesn't happen with SD-because she IS a rotten child....and the mom DOES PAS ...but she does love her dad and loves spending time with us (to my chargrin)....spoiled by his parents but he's not the atm, who knows when she's older if she'll chose to stay unphased by her moms rants.

But seriously-my friends ex is just a nasty human being. The kids ended up being total f'up's...and it honestly lies MOSTLY squarely on her actions.

NOT to mention her own mom has called her out for being lazy and doped out on pills for YEARS after the divorce feeling sorry for herself (when she had remarried and had another kid-and now one more even).