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over step's picture

This is going to be a jumble of many things going on in myour world. My apologies.

DH continues to kiss my butt. He's been making advances that I just ignore. No interest whatsoever. He can go to Puke for affection.

Speaking of Puke, she is supposed to be coming this coming weekend. Not sure if that's still on as DH doesn't dare talk about her to me. I have noticed that his phone calls with Puke are shorter these days. Seems she's with her BF every time he calls. Tough luck DH.

Ms Kitty is progressively getting worse. She isn't getting around very well and is having trouble getting into her box. She isn't able to go up and down stairs or jump up on things. Eating and drinking is getting more difficult so she is mainly on canned food now. She had a good appetite and devours anything put in front of her.

With everything going on with Ms Kitty I am not looking forward to Puke coming. I don't need the added stress and I don't have the patience. I know I won't have any support from DH when Puke is disrespectful and annoying. Maybe I can scare her enough that she stays away from me.


over step's picture

Right now I'm just so sensitive to anything annoying. I'm trying to think of ways to make it more entertaining for me.

over step's picture

Yes, the new furniture is going to be my favorite topic for discussion. How much I love it and what we should do next. Going to be a nice weekend so going to work on my vanity. DH doesn't want me to because Puke will be jealous but a vanity was my idea first. He just does what he always does, makes it an idea for Puke. The man doesn't have an original idea.

over step's picture

Ms Kitty is my main focus over everyone. I will tell DH that Puke needs to stay clear of her as she is very sensitive to loud noises and fast movements. Startles her as she pretty out of it from the medicine.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I had a cat who couldn't climb in the litter box. First I created a ramp, but she had
a problem steeping down in the box.

So instead I cut a square piece out of one end of the box so she didn't have to step over the edge. The bottom of the box was flat with the floor. I put the box on a towel so the litter didn't spill out on the floor. Maybe that will make it easier for her.