BM's main complaints...
So BM's main complaints that she brought up in court were... We feed SS4 too healthy, and we challenge him intellectually... I KID YOU NOT PEOPLE!
I guess this was her feeble attempt at defending a couple minor complaints we made. Which was that she feeds him unhealthy (pop tarts for breakfast, pizza for dinner, and only Buddha know what for lunch!) And that whenever we call, morning, afternoon, evening he's always watching TV. Violent shows I might add...
I am so scared that poor boy is gonna end up like her... Nearly 300lbs and sitting on his a$$ all day, bumming money off everyone... How depressing...
- outofplace's blog
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We actually didn't have to go
We actually didn't have to go before a judge, we technically settled out of court because the main issue was that SS4 was afraid of her BF. (who had taken over physical discipline)
She brought up the complaints in the deposition. Everyone just stared at her like she was crazy, including her own lawyer. I think after she said it she realized how retarded she sounded and hasn't mentioned it since. I dare her to bring it up next time we go to court in 4 months!
You evil caring parents
You evil caring parents you!!!!! What is wrong with you people making your kids eat a healthy diet and challenging them intellectually. :?
Be careful or the BM will end up accusing you of being too mean and strict. Oooooooooo!
I love the stories about the idiot blended family opposition.
What did the judge say to her idiot comment?
Best regards.
Thing is, WE DON'T EVEN MAKE HIM! We taught him what eating junk food will do to him, and what healthy food will do. The kid willingly passes up chocolate milk for regular! McDonald's for Subway, and cake for a fruit Popsicle. She's just pissed that he doesn't wanna eat any of the crap in her house anymore.
Oh, and the whole challenging him intellectually thing was because we taught him about parallel and intersecting lines, pathogens and anti-bodies, and how to play checkers... Those are the only 3 things her complaint is based on!!!
OH, if only she knew how much time we spend teaching him while he's here! She'd be horrified!
We didn't go before a judge this time, but we will in 4 months. I really hope she brings it up again. I want the judge to see her stupidity if all it's glorious retarded-ness!
Yup....been there, done that,
Yup....been there, done that, bought the T-Shirt - then disengaged.
The BM (Uberskank) in my life considers me the crappy, evil step-mother's because I encourage healthy eating, doing well and following through in school, getting involved in activities and playing outside instead of watching TV.
In court she told the judge it's obvious by how I treat her child that I would make a lousy mother, which is why I've never had children.
Now DH's kid barely passes her classes, is over-weight and spends all of her money on cheap make-up, candy and fast food.
Way to go're raising a real winner there! You're mothering skills are unsurpassed by every alley cat I know.
Way to go're
LMAO!!!! I needed that
When we went to court BM
When we went to court BM complained to the judge that time outs were "cruel and unusual punishment" for a six year old! Where do these women come from!?!?!
Wow! Don't they know how dumb
Wow! Don't they know how dumb they sound!!! :jawdrop:
Yeah, our BM has complained
Yeah, our BM has complained that we send them to bed too early on school nights and we feed them "weird" vegetables. Peas? HOW WEIRD!!!!