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onehappygirl's Blog

OT: Guys, I'm not getting any work done today . . .

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I've been going back and forth between Steptalk and Facebook all day. Everytime I refresh, there's something new that grabs my attention. Mondays always seem to be a catch up day here because of reading everyones' account of their weekend.

Just thought I'd let you guys know that you have me completely distracted. Smile

Cutting hair

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I've seen a lot of blogs lately about cutting S-kids hair. We had the same problem with SD. Her hair is very fine and very straight and has absolutely no body. Well, DH got tired of dealing with the knots and stringy-ness of SD's hair and had it cut several inches to just above her shoulders. It's very cute and it has some bounce now. So, the Wookie will be here around 3:30 today to pick up the S-kids, and I am anxiously awaiting her reaction. I'll let you know. It will probably be nothing more than a nasty e-mail later. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

OT - So tired of dealing with my ex and his problems

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Unfortunately, I am still part owner of the house that my ex and I bought years and years ago. He will not or cannot refinance to get my name off of the mortgage (his credit is rock bottom), and he has let the house get into such bad condition that it's not sellable. So, because he stopped making payments on the house back in DECEMBER, the house is in foreclosure, and yoo-hoo, guess who got served?? ME! He owes me almost $20,000 in equity, but that's not getting paid either. I will likely never see any of that money, and I don't really care about it at this point. I just want out!!!

OT - 1955 Guide to being a good wife. [gag]

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A friend of mine sent me this article. I just about fell out of my seat laughing. Just thought I'd share.


Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have be thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they get home and the prospect of a good meal is part of the warm welcome needed.

So pathetic . . .

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I've told you before that my SD9 told me that the Wookie sits the kids down and interrogates them. Well, SD9 told me today that the Wookie has told her and SS13 that she doesn't want them to play with BS13 and BD9. Hmmmm. How's that going to work? And how is she going to enforce something like that in MY HOUSE??? The boys are a year apart and share a room, and the girls are 3 months apart and share a room. Hmmmm.

What I found out from my SD

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Yesterday was a girls' day out for me and my BD9 and SD9. We saw a movie, went to Steak and Shake, and did a little summer clothes shopping. We had a great day. Well, as we were eating my SD told me that every Friday (we share 50/50 custody w/ BM) when the Skids go back to their mom's house, she sits them down in a chair and debriefs them. As they are sitting there, she will ask them questions and types it all down into the computer. What's funny is the worst thing my SD can think to tell her mother that we do is that [gasp] . . . we make her do chores!!!

Nicknames for BMs

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I see a lot of you are using nicknames for your BMs. I'm trying to figure out one for my BM. I saw someone use Sasquatch and used it while talking to my husband about BM. He cracked up. However, I don't want to use someone else's nickname. Any suggestions?

Oh no she didn't!!!!!!!

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My husband has 2 kids and I have 2 kids from previous marriages. My husband and I have an arrangement with BM. They have shared custody, we get them for a week and she gets them for a week. My kids we have all the time except for EOW. On her weeks, because BM starts work early, she drops them off at our house so I can get all of the children to school and before school care. Yesterday, BM called me and told me that she was running a bit late and she would take them to school herself. The doors to the childcare and school open at 7:00.
