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So pathetic . . .

onehappygirl's picture

I've told you before that my SD9 told me that the Wookie sits the kids down and interrogates them. Well, SD9 told me today that the Wookie has told her and SS13 that she doesn't want them to play with BS13 and BD9. Hmmmm. How's that going to work? And how is she going to enforce something like that in MY HOUSE??? The boys are a year apart and share a room, and the girls are 3 months apart and share a room. Hmmmm.

It's truly pathetic to even ask something like that of them. One thing I love about my brood - they're all best friends!! They've all been best friends since the boys were in 2nd grade.


Stick's picture

It is truly pathetic and sad. BM is digging her own grave. The children have already told you about the request, and they are best friends with the bio children. If she keeps it up, BM will lose her children, emotionally, and then possibly physically. BM over here alienated her own daughter to the point that SD barely even wants to have visitation with her mom. I feel for you. It's like watching BM get in a train wreck of her own making and not being able to help her stop it.

Just curious... has your DH ever said anything to BM about her interrogations? When SD would come home and tell us something ridiculous that BM did, DH would confront her and say.. OK... this does not need to be discussed again with SD and if it is you're in violation of divorce agreement. Cut it out. You're hurting your own child.

Of course, she never got it and would continue on her stupid path to now... with SD saying that when she gets older, she may not even see her mom, or that she doesn't respect the person her mom is. SD here is 15.

onehappygirl's picture

This one isn't too bad, and I'm not willing to throw my S-kids under the bus for it. Besides, the S-kids have become very good at knowing what they can and can't tell the Wookie to keep her happy. They both know she is being unreasonable and downright stupid by telling them that, and they laugh it off. It was told to us in a "Do you know what Mom says now" sort of way. My SD said she told her mother that she was silly for thinking that they wouldn't play with their brother and sister when they are at Dad's house. Of course, that irks Wookie to no end that they call BS and BD "brother and sister."

BM hates, I mean HATES my kids. They have done absolutely nothing to her and are completely innocent. When the girls were in soccer, my kids would acknowledge her by saying "Hey [insert name]". She would just ignore them. Well, my Ex [we get along okay] told me that at one of the games after my DH and I had left (it wasn't our weekend with the kids, but we still go to the games), my BD said her usual greeting to Wookie. Well, she turned around and said, "You will never address me as {first name} again. If you are to address me at all, and I would rather you didn't, you will call me Ms. [last name]." My Ex, DH and I had a pretty good laugh over that one. When my B-kids see her, they still give her the same greeting they always did.

We pretty much ignore any orders that come from her.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

WowjustWow's picture

bitch! To yell at a kid that way! I would have torn that POS a new one if I was there. I would ignore any orders from her too. It's good your DH backs you up on things.

They are trying to be nice and polite by addressing her at all. I HATE BM, but LOVE SD's 1/2 sister. She is the cutest thing you've ever seen. She adores me and asks DH where I am if I don't show up to SD's events. I always felt bad when she would ask if she can come with us when we picked up SD's. How do you explain to a 4 year old that you can't take her with you? I'd have to look at her little face and tell her "sorry, you have to stay with your mom" and she would walk back inside tears in her eyes. Of course if BM was any sort of normal, logical person, she would have never let the kid come outside and ask, but she did it knowing I would feel bad about saying no.

What is wrong with these people?

~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.

onehappygirl's picture

. . if I had been there when she addressed my kids, I would have said something or ended up knocking the brain-dead idiot flat on her fat ass. The thing is, she is as quiet as a mouse when I'm around.

Yes, I am very fortunate that DH backs me up on almost everything. I tend to get a bit fiesty when it comes to her, and he does calm me down about things, but he ALWAYS stands up to her when he feels she is being unreasonable. I have to say, she's not very bright, and most of her demands are downright laughable and not enforceable in our house. But once in a while she will do something to get my Irish going.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!