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How I got SO to "get it"

onebright1's picture

Another blog reminded me of how I approached SO about what you all call disengaging. About a year or so ago I was let go from my job of 10 years. I was diligently looking for work at the time and had just made plans to move in with SO, and as we were riding in the car discussing his 5 daughters and the great job their mom did/does at PASing them, I said
"SO if you got offered a job as the #1 supervisor under the Boss of a company and you got all the responsibilities and all the duties of the supervisor and had to work overtime and got less than the pay at your last job and you werent allowed to tell anyone you were the Supervisor, so all the other employees would treat you as thier equal instead of their higher up, would you take the job?" He said "HELL NO, who offered you THAT job?" I said "you did"........ pause...... light bulb.....He laughed and said "I see your point" and then He said "well the job offer has closed the new position is to come be my sidekick and we shall fight crime as a duo " and he winked. Sometimes he has to be reminded which kinda ticks me off like he thinks these wonderful girls of his have changed my mind :sick:
Now if we could just get the SGIRLS to get it. I would have my peace and he would get a piece more often Wink


herewegoagain's picture

awesome! I agree 100% that the only way for them to GET IT is to step away from our OWN situations and put the issues in another context...good for you!