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Cant find words

onebright1's picture

I am always trying to explain to you guys and to SO and some of my close friends about the sgirls and the treatment I get from them. It sounds like I am just complaining most of the time, but I guess I just want someone to understand, I want SO to understand why I cant continue this way for too much longer.
Today when I picked up my bd8 from school after care (I finally got a job offer!) the 3 sgirls who are at my daughters school were at after care also. (SO agreed in mediation to pick them up after school on MTWandF so BM could get out of paying after care and she is off on Thursdays)Anyhow, oneStwin9 and Skary13 were huddled in the corner of the cafeteria whispering and looking but I get nothing from them. No Hi, No smile, nuttin, they always do this. EVERY time they see me at school. And IT embarrases me! I finally figured out why it bugs me and thats it! The other kids at school know they live with me/us 3 nites 4 days aweek, They know who my BD is and who her "steps" are. Its a small small private school. It is just unnerving that they ignore me at home when they are there but they will speak if they want something at home and the STwins talk to me and hang out and on me at home. So its just freaky that they do that at school. I do care about what the other kids and teachers and parents and school personel think. And I can only imagine what they are thinking.
I really love SO, but his kids are weird in every aspect, but mostly socially weird. And I am pretty sure that I cant live this way too much longer. I dont want to leave SO, but I dont want his Skids and nutburger ex in my life any longer.


onebright1's picture

I just have a skillion thoughts going thru my head right now. I have considered transferring bd8 to a new school. I have considered continuing my relationship with SO while moving to my own place. I have considered just ending the relationship. Like all of you I know its never going to change, they will just get to be adults who treat me awful but dont visit 3 nites a week. But that is 9 years off for the younger 2 and I cant see me living in filth 4 days a week because "thats how they are" I could tuff it out and stay for 9 years, did that with my ex. I just am not sure if its me or them or him or BM or IL's geez I need medicated :O

whatwasithinkin's picture

Let me make you feel better. BM and I both lived in the same town. When DH got together he moved to my house. My YSD and my twins are the same age. If DH and I were at the local grocery store and so was BM and the kids she would not allow them to speak to us and if they attempted to she would physically forcefully take them out of the store.

And that was their father.

onebright1's picture

BM does that too. And has for 3 years. I dont ever see her stopping. Now she has the older 3 Sgirls doing it for her. If one or both of the Stwins9 want to play with BD8, then the older Sgirls take them to thier room or have some 'awesome thing" they need them to come do or see. So even when she(BM) isnt around them and they are with SO its the same as if she(BM) were here times 3!

stepmomof2bio1's picture

Mine are the same way and they are much older to! One is going to be 18 in a few days and the other is 14. They act like they don't even know me when in public and hardly talk when they are at our home. They are with us 50% of the time! Last summer was very weird when we went to a icee stand that was outside and we ended up standing behind their fairly recent x-stepsister and they acted like they didn't even know her! No hi, no smile, no nothing even when she smiled at them. We go out and someone will say hi to them and they just walk by, we took them to church and they would not even shake peoples hands during the time when greetings are held and people shake hands! It is very embarressing I refuse to go places with them anymore. I have had a couple friends over and they just give them the evil eye, I am to embarressed to have anyone come over anymore. I have no idea how they are going to make it in life. I just focus on my BS so he does not end up like them.