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First blog just trying to make sense of it......

onebright1's picture

Okay, lets see,,,,,,
D and I started going out in October of 2009, Right after I returned from a girls trip to Fla.
He told me he was divorced. He told me his wife had left him in June of 09 but the marriage was broken and she was invloved with another guy (R) before she was forced to leave by court order in June. He told me he had joint custody with his ex and he got the kids (5 girls) every other week.
About 2 to 3 weeks after we started dateing he said he liked me alot and wanted to inform me that he was legally separated and he even showed me the paperwork with the signed date. He said she had filed for divorce and both of them had atty's . He showed me the paperwork he rec'd recording the divorce filing. He also told me that as far as he was concerned, he was divorced, it was just a matter of getting a judge to sign it. I asked him several times sometime between Oct and January if he wanted to work things out with her and told him I would totally understand.But that I was needing to know before I got too involved. He said NO, he said even If I went away, he would just get with someone else, but had no intentions of being with her ever again. He also told me that there were 2 other women he dated after she left and before he met me. He also told me he never ever cheated on his wife the 13 years they were married. But that she cheated several times on him. And he always took her back.
Now here we are today, His divorce is final, Yet she wont stop texting, harrassing, hounding him/us. She is still with the same guy (R) she left him over but she just wont stop. I dont understand......... She lies, she is alienating his kids from him. She gets bogus protective orders against me ( got dismissed) She has stolen the kids from him on his week after telling them to "forget" their homework at his place of employment and then sending him out to get it(3 blocks away) the whole time she was watching his house and snuck in during the 10 minutes he was gone and took the kids. She has conspired with her oldest to runaway and take 2 of the younger ones with her and she met her at the park after calling it into the police from her cell phone.( police confirmed this) But that plan backfired. She has called me screaming, she has followed me in her vehicle.. she has texted me and has had the 2 older girls text me. She has told the girls to "spit and kick" my 5 year old daughter. At the time of this writing I am sure I am leaving alot out but that is just the high lights to lead into now......
Now They are divorced. She gets the girls on Mon, tues wed and thurs nites. Which coincidentally are her work days, She picks them up from school at 6PM And has written in text that she gives them Melatonin at 8PM and sends them to bed. So basically she only has to care for them around 12 waking hours a week if you consider mornings. He picks them up on Fridays from school at 3 pm and takes them back to school on Mondays at 8 am. He works in the evenings where they will have to stay with his mother. So he cares for them approximately 24 waking hours during his parenting time.
So Since the divorce has been final the text keep coming,,,,, every 5 min all day long up to 1 or 2 am.
Now the text are about what she thinks he should do while he has his kids. And how much she spent on a dr visit, which she is ordered to pay half of. But she doesnt want to give him a paid receipt, she just wants him to blindly give her half the total amount. His parents bought all 5 girls school uniforms and supplies, yet she complained in text that she had to go out all by herself and get hand sanitizer that his parents forgot. She is ordered to pay controlled cost and he is to pay school tuition for 5 kids. But because his parents know she wont do it, they end up buying it. He was ordered to get her listed items out for her within 10 days of finalization which he did, he set them all out for her neatly on the driveway, packed and wrapped. There were some items in storage that didnt get out and she said she would be there on Thurs to get them, and he stayed up half the night getting it out for her but did inform her that the childrens therapist said not to exchange property in front of the children. She texted back that she fired that therapist because she (ex) felt the children needed a therapist specialized in domestic violence and then she text at the last min that she cant get her items because she had no sitter. What about the almost 16 yr old daughter sitting? What about the boyfriend sitting? ...... So now she claims that she is a victom of domestic violence???? this had never come up before....... and I have known this man long enough to know there is no way....... trust me ..... he may have yelled or gotten loud during the end of their marriage when she was having her affair, but I know he has never hit her or those girls. ... He actually still kinda defends his ex by saying she is having mental health issues and needs help and he is concerned she will pull a "susan smith" or "andrea yates" and he needs to keep a close eye on her and thats why he writes down EVERY text she sends and doesnt tell her to stop and bla bla bla, when I personally think she is just a mean hateful woman who is genuinely out to get him.
Sooooooo anyway here we are up to yesterday and that is where the new text are saying that she will be there sunday at 6 with the oldest girl to get the rest of her belongings and that she took classes at the Y on child care and that she went to Dr. appts with him while they were married and she took the girls to the Dr. yesterday and basically trying to convince herself or him or both that she was the greatist wife and mother ever.
Now I am going to try to post here everyday as close to word for word what she is texting so you can judge for yourselves........ And maybe if I am real lucky, she will see this and knowing that I am going to post her text for all to see, she will stop. and move on. and let him be a dad . and mind her own business and stay out of my life.