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Help! How to approach the subject of MARRIAGE!?

Nymh's picture

We have been talking about getting married for quite some time. Lately it seems to be coming up a lot more, and I get the feeling that it's going to become "official" pretty soon...I'm so excited! I know that this is the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love him, I love his son, and I have come to terms with the idea of having the EX in the picture. Even though she's psycho and will probably never accept me!

So herein lies my pseudo-problem...If we decide to make it official - ring, date set, announcements, the works - do we need to tell BM? We of course plan on telling SS...but how should she find out? I personally don't want to tell her, and I know BF won't want to tell her...I don't want it to be SS's responsibility to tell her...but I don't want her to find out through the grapevine and feel like we are ashamed or trying to hide it from her either. I realize that she has no say in my life and whether she likes it or not doesn't matter, but I want to cause the least amount of disturbance as I can so as hopefully to preserve as much sanity as possible for everyone!

What has been your personal experience with making things official when it comes to the ex and her reactions? Did you guys tell her, or did she find out on her own? What did she do/say? Do you think she'll be as psycho as she always has been? Or perhaps if it becomes official, she might realize that I'm not going anywhere and back off from trying to scare me away and ruin my life/reputation/relationship with BF/SS? And most importantly, how did the SKids take it? How do we present it to SS?

Sorry for all the questions but I really don't want to mess this up!


Nise's picture

We went away to get married...out of state...and so we sent certified letters to the biomoms announcing that we were planning to get married on X date at X location and requesting that the children be allowed to attend the went into as much detail as to say we will be leaving or state on this day at this time...well...they (the moms) are in cahoots (sp?) a lot in trying to make my husband's life HELL b/c he did not choose to be with either of them and so they unite against both he and long story short, they waited until the day we were due to leave to say that the kids would be be albe to reason given...none needed...just a way to try to screw up our day! He was of course CRUSHED and it was hard...but we drove down a few days early (as we had initially planned) and had my best frined and her boyfriend with us and waited for our friends and family to get in and we had a GREAT time tell or not to of them got married recently and never said anything...flew to Vegas and we heard it through the grape vine and honestly i took it as her not being that proud about the event...however, when we get preganant, we wont be telling them until i start to show and we will tell them after we tell the girls...

It WILL hit her that you are not going anywhere and it is VERY likely that that fact will stir up all kinds of negative emotions in her so be prepared for that! But i doubt it will make her back off...likely she will turn up the volume on her drama out of hurt and in defense of all the ex's....if i were in their shoes, i would have the same emotions probably...especially if they want him back (which is what we deal with) but even if they've moved on...i imagine it is still painfull to see your ex getting married!

The girs were REALLY excited which made it even worse that they didnt' get to go...they'd tried on their dresses and everythig and the PSYCHO biomom (the other one is not PSYCHO but more controlling/manipulative) even brought her by our house after she knew we were on the road to do the whole "they left you" game, which REALLY PISSED ME OFF!!!!

Make a GREAT Day!

Candice's picture

Nise, I just wanted to say that I am sorry that psycho bm pulled the "they left you" game. I just want you to know that one day that little girl is going to read the handwriting on the wall and KNOW that her mother is evil, and did something very horrible to her. I can't believe she would not just throw the knife in her little girls back, but then turn it sad:(

My heart literally sank when I read this...not just for you guys being deprived of their presence, but for the verbal torment they had to go through on such a special day. I just really want to send those girls a hug!

I Know you both had a wonderful wedding, and in a lot of ways, I think you experience a lot less stress leaving to get married instead of having it local. That is one thing I wished I had done differently!

Nise's picture

Thanks Candice…my husband called them from our honeymoon on what would have been our visitation day and then when we got home and saw them she said “my mommy brought me but you and daddy left” well maybe I shouldn’t have said it and I NEVER trash their moms to them but that really ticked me off and my reply was “no baby, we wanted you to go that is why we bought your dress but your mommy said you couldn’t come. Your mommy brought you late because she didn’t want you to go” after that we watched the video I put on my dress and cape for them and they were all grins looking at the pictures…also, I snuck an 8x10 picture of them with us to the wedding and surprised my husband with it and had someone take a picture of us holding the picture of the girls…that warmed my husband’s heart…unfortunately it was on a roll of film that didn’t develop correctly b/c in all the adrenaline, my best friend didn’t bring the photo out until after the photographer had left…

Make a GREAT Day!

Candice's picture

I have chills on my skin from reading this!!! That was a magnificiant idea!!!

For every good man, there is even a better woman standing beside him! And that is especially true of your dh:)

Even though that picture didn't turn out on paper, it is in his memory, and that will never be erased!

Nice touch on putting the dress back on for the girls...that made them feel like they were there!

My hat is off to you!!!

happy mom's picture

I wouldn't tell her anything. that's none of her business. telling your ss is fine and even have him there at the wedding. i wouldn't invite the ex to the wedding. she doesn't have to know about your life and her ex husband's either. NONE OF HER BUSINESS. if she finds out from the grapevine so be it, so what. Don't tell her when the wedding is before she starts some stupid ideas to postpone the wedding. Congratulations.

-happy mom

tyra's picture


We were in court and were three months pregnant so our lawyer spilled the beans..thought it would be good for custody to say that Sd would have a SB soon and that we planned to get married the next month. Actually the look of shock came over her and her mom's face. Oh hell it was all worth it.

I think however it is none of their business. SS will probably tell and i guess if she ask you just tell her then.

Good luck

Candice's picture

First I just want to say that I am extremely excited for you. I find being married is my biggest treasure in life, and I wish you and your bf the best!

You have already accepted that bm is psycho...yet you say "I just don't want to mess things up.." Well honey, you need to get over that idea. You, by helping your bf move on with his life without the ex, are already messing things up for her. You and your bf are entitled to live a normal, functional life together, and are entitled to get married, with or without her approval. In some ways, you are still striving to achieve her approval (by not wanting to mess things up). My advice is...1. don't bother telling her...let her find out either through ss, or the grapevine. 2. Plan your wedding without worrying about what is she going to do...(you will not be able to prevent her from creating drama-and trust me..the worst of her will come during your wedding). 3. Prepare yourself to accept her drama like water on a ducks back..(this will allow you to ignore her bullshit and truly enjoy the best moment in life).

4 years ago...I was in your exact position..except I not only had a psycho bm to deal with, but my dh's psycho family as well (I was preparing myself to have had wine thrown on my dress from my dh's family- yes they are that bad- didn't happen though). Let me tell you, the days before the wedding were super stressful. However, I personally could give a shit less what bm thought, what she planted in the head of my ss, or what my in-laws had to say...this was my day with my dh...and we really had the best day of our lives. Our wedding was so fun..numerous people came up to us and said "This is the best wedding we have ever been to!" or "You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen!" or "That is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my entire life!" and let me tell you, I had so much enjoyment becoming my husband's wife, that I was literally ready to jump out of my own skin!!!

That is the kind of stuff you want to remember about your wedding. Were there moments of negativity thrown at me before/during/after wedding? You bet...but I refused to focus on it. My in-laws talked trash about me during the reception with my ss! We gave my ss a bracelet and I personally said vows to him as part of the wedding vows (which everyone loved fyi), and afterwards, he told the entire world he wanted to scratch my name off the bracelet. Yes, it was heartbreaking..but can't focus on walking on eggshells for dysfunctional's their way of manipulating you, and it is not a way to enjoy life. And even if you were successful at finding a way to please bm, she will switch courses and find another way to be unhappy to get you to jump through hoops to please her.

My bests to you. I really had a super stressful time planning the wedding..if you want to email me specifically to get advice, or de-stress you are totally welcome! I would be happy to support you any way I can..


Nymh's picture

Thank you so much for your advice and encouragement. I realize that things I say are contradictory. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I accept that she is a part of my life and will cause trouble when she can, I just want to approach this in a way that causes the least amount of disturbance for everyone. But I guess you're probably right. I really DON'T need to be walking on eggshells worrying about the bullshit that myself and everyone else will have to witness when she throws her next temper tantrum. Maybe it would be better if I stopped worrying so much about making things peaceful. That way, she could throw her fits and let everyone watch, and see me standing by smiling and focusing on my BF and our life together.

I realize that the knowledge that we are going to be married will come as a big blow to her, and a big part of me is wondering what she'll do to try to ruin things for me. At least I'm going into it knowing that she's going to attempt sabotage so that I'll be prepared! I would hate to have to face this situation with no experience or knowledge of her potential!

I want my wedding to be amazing. This will be my first (and last if I have anything to do with it) wedding and I am so excited and nervous about everything. I have such enormous hopes for how the day will go. As stressful as it will be, I am so excited and happy at just being able to go through with the planning process at all. I have learned a lot from you and the rest of the women (and occasional men) on this site, and with a little help and guidance I believe I'll be able to plan a magnificent wedding and keep my mind focused on what really matters!

Again, thank you so much for your kind words and support. It really means a lot to me! And don't be suprised if you do get an email or message from me begging for help! Smile

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Candice's picture have it! Your wedding WILL be amazing no matter what. If bm storms the wedding, and throws a temper tantrum in the aisle...someone in the audience will rush and tackle her like a packers lineman, and seriously, how funny would that be? Your wedding would go on, and beautifully as planned, with a side of comedy...

She will try to ruin things through ss by planting negative thoughts in his head about the wedding, or try to prevent him from going period. I seriously doubt she will try to come to your wedding and sabotage it..and she won't be able to sabotage your vendors b/c she won't know who they are, and everything is under don't worry about that part.

The part you need to stay strong over is the part about her trying to keep ss from wedding. Even if that need to stay strong, and focus on your day. You can't let that even ruin your wedding day. Worrying about trying to make things peaceful is a waste of your time, and prevents you from making progress.

You're welcome on the support. This arena is something I really experienced, and I just remember a lot of problems and I would never wish them upon anyone. So if I can help you in any makes me really happy!

Kitty721's picture

I am in the same spot as you. BF and I have been talking marriage for a while now, and I think in a short time we will be making it official. BM will either hear it thru the grapvine, or SD will eventually tell her, and I'm sure BM will say something negative. but SD will be excited, anyway.. She already tells us that she wants us to get married so she will have me as a stepmom. She wants to be in the wedding and she talks about wanting a little brother or sister too... We will try to plan our wedding on "our" weekend, so it doesn't cause conflict.. And I plan on flashing my brilliant diamond in her face as much as possible. And whatever she dishes out we'll address when it happens.. BUT it will be a great day no matter what..

Nymh's picture

This is pretty much what I've been thinking all along. This subject has come up a few times on this board but you're the only other person that I've seen besides myself with this mindset. I just feel like it's fundamentally wrong to hide that information from my future SS's mother. No matter how psycho or immature she is, she's still his mother and I feel like she has a right to know. I feel like we'd be disrespecting her by not telling her. I don't go out of my way to please this woman, or even to make things easy on her...but I'm not really comfortable with the idea of disrespecting her.

Plus, if I was divorced and my EX was getting married and didn't tell me, I'd feel like he was ashamed and guilty for moving on with his life, or maybe he wasn't proud of the woman he chose to marry. I would want to know if my EX had decided to marry someone. Not because I would feel entitled due to being the EX, but due to being the MOM...

I wonder what the bonusfamilies ladies have to say about this...

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Candice's picture

consolation to you Nymh...I don't think by not telling her you would be behaving in a disrespectful manner. Everyone has their own opinion on this, and it is okay to disagree..but I just wanted you to know...not everyone thinks that it is disrespectful to "not" tell her directly.

One of my reasons that I don't think that it is disrespectful is b/c you already live with bf. How are your living arrangements and interaction with ss really going to change b/c you guys become married? She already has to live with the idea you are involved with her ss, and doesn't have any control over that, and is your relationship with him going to change? My guess is no.

If you truly feel that you just can't change your inner core values about this...then do tell her. You don't want this haunting you during your wedding.

My bests to you...

Anonymous's picture

MY ex's fiancee set it up so that they would get married in Cancun without even my ex knowing about it. She did it all as a surprise to my ex.

Unfortunately, he refused when they arrived, citing that my son should have been included. She was completely humiliated!

When they returned from Mexico, the ex told me what happened. While I applauded him for thinking of our son first, I wanted to slap him for hurting her that way! She was of course devestated!

My ex spoke with my son that week about what happened and how he could not get married without his "best man" present. My son (7 or 8 at the time) told his Dad he didn't really care.

Ex cooked up his own surprise and took her to Vegas a few months later. My son was nowhere to be found but at least ex felt better knowing our son knew he was tying the knot.

I was disappointed in my son and told him so. I told him that his Dad wanted not only his blessing but his presence at the wedding. My son was too young to comprehend. That was years ago.

Unfortuanately, when my son's two sisters were born, things became progressively worse. He was pretty much cast aside for "their" kids. My son is now 17 and has been put thru hell. But that's ok. What goes around comes around. I just hope I'm there for the impact!

She has told me that my son is no longer welcome in THEIR home because he lied to her. (Yes, he did lie. NO, it wasn't right) She told me that she does not accept liars in her house. I wrote down the date and time of that statement. Because sooner or later, one of her girls are gonna lie. And then I'm going to call her and ask her where her daughter lives, being she doesn't allow liars in her house.

I know, I'm rambling. Sorry! Good luck with your upcoming nuptials. And please remember, no matter how stepkids react, they are just!

Anonymous's picture

Reading this, she only used the lie as an excuse. They had their own kids and she didn't want him comming at their house or around "their" kids. Typically the first family is pushed out when dad has more kids, imo. No matter what we adults say and do, Divorce does not work for the kids, sad fact.

Candice's picture

that marriage does change a lot of things..and your right it does solidify your relationship with point was that her interaction with ss now probably will not change after marriage. I just wanted to clarify that.

I feel that my marriage and relationship did change for the better after becoming married, but my relationship and interaction with my ss still stayed the same.

Anonymous's picture

Its not her business. She'll hear about it. Let her get the clue that from now on what happens in your home is NOT her concern, focus on your own plans.

happysomeday's picture

I think also, if I were you I'd just do whatever you want, don't even worry about who tells her or how she feels, or what she'll do.

It was my personal fantasy to be married alone, with no kids at all. Very romantic and personal for us only.

Never will happen, though.

Mary Louise's picture

after we became engaged we told her through email. we did not givehr any specific details, just told her that it would be this year sometime and that we would like to have the kids there. We also made arrangements at that time that we would switch some time with her so we could take them with us. She seemed ok about it at first but over the past few months has gotten worse and worse, even suing him over some old bills that were in her name. We now believe she will deny that we switched time for the wedding and refuse to let the kids come. We are in the process of working it out.

I am probably not getting the wedding I want, but at least it will be on my terms and not hers. I won't let her hurt the kids like that if i can possibly help it.

TheSaneOne's picture

I think she found out through email - I planned a trip to the beach last minute with my brothers, our four kids, and sister in law so DH who had never proposed to his exes decided to run get a ring last minute and propose on the beach that day - i think she found out through his niece or my myspace, don't remember. Just so happened that she was married to her BF that weekend (that lasted three months LOL) We later emailed her and asked if we could get the girls Oct 14 to get married (she moved out of state with them) her response "I would not ask them not to be at your wedding" I knew what that crazy bitch meant. well, 6 weeks later, we were due to get the girls that saturday for the rest of the summer so wednesday i called DH - let's get married saturday K (i had to do it fast or I wouldn't have done it) so we did just that, he met her halfway to get the girls that morning, got home, we got dressed, and got married. Planned in 2 days and all for $700!!! So of course after our BBQ reception at the house afterwards we posted our wedding pics that night....she congrated us, was upset that we didn't tell her so she could have cut the girls hair or driven further to help - then came the hateful emails that we were supposed to be a family now and I had no right NOT to tell her ahead of time...yeah, why, so you could have broke down on the way or something come up??? Hell no! Not with this crazy bitch.