step son
My ten year step son drives me nuts. He whines and will not to anything with us unless its all about him. When my husband and I met my step son was seven. He couldn't tie his shoes, or ride a bike. His mother treats him like his four. she does everything for him. I have two sons from my first marriage. they are 10 and 6. They get A's and are athletic. anyway this kid drives me crazy, we have a three bedroom house and he comes over every other weekend and has his own room!! my boys have to share because he through such a fit. his mother is a terror who stalks my husband and verbally abuses him all the time. he is so afraid of her he does what ever she wants!!! when my step son was 9 1/2 I put my foot down and made my husband force his son to learn how to ride a bike, his ex wife went nuts insisting that bike riding is too dangerous for him!!!! He still has a hard time with his shoes. But anyway I feel bad about myself because I actually do not like this child! I don't want him coming over at all. He throughs his ass around and makes trouble the entire weekend and I don't know what to do. His mom and him live just two stinking miles down the road. I wish every day that she would find a man somewhere far away and move!! I have so many more years to deal with this it's depressing!! My husband gets so excited when he comes over he drops everything and hangs on his every word, my children really feel left out. they see how their treated differently. my exhusband isn't really in their lives that often so they look to my husband as a father figure and he plays favorites. It makes me see red. Everything we do over the weekend revolves around the step son and what he wants to do. I just want to pack up my kids and leave for the weekend but I know the step son would just love it. He is so spoiled too, he everything know to man, every video game every toy imaginable it's ridiculus. how do I deal with this?? how can I learn to like someone?
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Is this every weekend? Why
Is this every weekend?
Why did you accomodate him for the room only because he threw a fit?
Do you contribute to the household finances? Do you pay for the house too?
Im just curious. Need more insight to see the entire picture