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Noway2b1's Blog

Adult Sd sharing pics of me and DH.

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In "family" text threads I'm not in but bm is. This bugs me. I've been stewing over reaching out to her and asking her not to. It's been going on for years and I guess it's still happening. (DH showed me the pic)  I told DH I thought it weird and that I don't care for it.  I used to be in the threads they were shared in and it made me uncomfortable then but 2020 helped me take a stand about being included in political/religious/controversial group messaging and I haven't been included in ANY group texts since, other than an occasional misfire. Oh btw SD is in her 40's.

DH is ticking me off. The gift competition is on.

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So I'm doing something different this year for grandkids. Two of my children are in flux this year housing wise (moving) and one is traveling so they asked me to not give toys for their kids this year and to give either an experience or consumable items. Like candy and treats if you can believe that lol. So I'm planning out what I'm going to do and telling DH. My family is/are huge sparkling cider fans, so that's part of it and I've ordered some cute Xmas shopping style bags and am planning out the treats.

Thank you S-talk. For helping me not feel so petty.

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Reading posts here and seeing so many relatable topics,  makes me feel so much better, knowing it's ok and that I'm not the only one. I'm "normally" a pretty giving, loving, caring person. DHs adult skids bring out a side of me I don't really recognize or like. Hearing so many of you being able to relate makes me feel like I'm not this petty human being, that it's ok to not feel connected to ....essentially strangers who are only in my life because of who I married.

Every weekend?

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So a new routine has developed in mine and DHs life. YSS has moved back permanently (at least for a year) and for the last six months DH has caught up with him once or twice a week for a meal. As I stated elsewhere we are dialing back spending and we've begun doing more and more home cooked meals. I don't mind if he wants to take him out to a fast food/cheaper alternative than what he previously had been. But...... every weekend now?

Posted as a comment and decided I could use advice (adult skids)

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It's particularly with YSS (now 38)  there's an enmeshment that has been hard for me to define. He's not disrespectful per say and we do get along, although he does have an opinion on all his siblings marriages and how they raise their children (hes unmarried and childless) so I assume he also has opinions on mine and his dads marriage.
