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notsobrady's Blog

Job update..

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Sending an update as so many were so helpful with your Zoom tips!

I did not get the position. Which was a real bummer as it would have been absoutely perfect. But I now have had an opportunity come up and as I am hesitant, this could prove to be a exceptional move for me financially. Its basically what I am doing now, but the potential for growth is huge and comes with a substantial pay increase with a sizeable yearly bonus. 

Anyone navigating a job search during pandemic?

notsobrady's picture

I've been quietly looking for another job. Not a hard search, but as I see things of interest I will submit my resume. 

I turn 50 this year and honestly the very last thing I want to do is start over but I am just not happy with my current situation. In fact, this month marks 9 years I've been with my current job and there has been zero acknoweldgement of my 9 years here.

A little insulting...but whatever.

SD20 finally called/text DH for money for a car..

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That was quick! And guess what? DH did not call her back (she left a voicemail) and he did not reply to her text.


She also called GMA who turned her down and SD20 hung up on her.

Applause for GMA as well!!!

And we haven't heard from her again.


I don't think this is over, but in our world this is HUGE!


SD20 update (Runaway for those who know my story)

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Well this whole situation has REALLY backfired on SD20. She has officially pissed off DH. He wants absolutely nothing to do with her. Although I feel we've been down this road in some way, shape or form in the past..but here we are again. GMA lit into her as well. DH has gone as far as to say that he does not want her listed as a beneficiary that I am now to receive everything and he prefers MY BIOS to have her portion as they have done more for him them she ever has, according to DH. 

I am just like Huh? Where you been dude? She's been manipulating you for YEARSSSSSSSSSS!

SD's lack of intelligence is in my favor...

notsobrady's picture

SD20 backed out of any "help" from DH or I. Basically said we were doing this (guiding her thru car buying process) only because DH wants to control her....


I spent time on Monday contacting our credit union to find out what their 1st time buyer car program was about. I spent time on  Monday speaking with a car salesman who we've dealt with in the past..I spent time yesterday speaking with a friend who is selling his mother's car and negotiating a deal for her..,checking on insurance..and so on.

Vent...I've not been here in awhile..

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SD turned 20 last week. We were out of town so nothing planned of course from DH on this. Honestly I didn't even think about it. DH called to speak to her and her car situation came up. I guess the "Buy here pay here" car finally blew the motor...not a shocker as the car was junk. She's been driving roommates, brother's truck. She is still the only person in the house with a drivers license. Her situation sounds like shes in the same boat.

Camping weekend and not one peep about SD19

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And I ain't mad. 

We had an EXTREMELY relaxing weekend. A little hiking, a little midday thunderstorm which made for a great nap and evening by the fire. 

The night before we were discussing food to bring as I pre-make a lot of stuff. In this conversation I asked if he had heard from SD? Is she still planning to go? I got a firm "NO". I never mentioned her again.

Can it be he is finally understanding that this kid is full of BS? Maybe? 

I'm not holding my breath as I know the next time something comes up we'll be back to square one. Maybe???...

This is slowly erupting..

notsobrady's picture

DH is a little offended. And to be honest, so am I...but not completely surprised. I warned DH yesterday that as confident as he is that SD19 would be running back home, I was not. My thoughts are that she has been controlled by these people for almost 2 years. She will not break away from them so easily. Especially when time and time again, we were made out to be the bad guys. And thats putting it nicely. But DH did make a valiant attempt. And for good reason. She's in a bad situation and has been for awhile. 
