Need Advice...PLEASE
Okay, so I am going to make this as short and sweet as possible! I am a newbie! To basically motherhood in general. I have 2 biokids; BS1and a half and BD3months. The father of my kids aka my SO was my high school crush! I am now 30 and he is 32 so obviously we have known each other for quite some time. He has three other boys from his ex-wife. Two of them are his biosons (3 and 6) and the 10 year old he took on as his own as the biomom just got knocked up per a 1 night stand. He left his ex-wife for me two and a half years ago so obviously I'm not favored by her at all! I don't blame her but their relationship was always an on and off thing and they were only married for a short 8 months before he decided that he no longer wanted to be with her and fell in love with me! Well for the first year she refused to let him see the kids because of me! She had so much hate towards him for leaving her because as many times as they have broken up before they have always gotten back together so I think she thought that he was going to come back and he never did! Well she is the queen of parent alienation! He had legal rights in the courts and she wouldn't follow through so obviously we had to get the cops involved but it never stopped her from doing it again and again. Anyways.. like I said that was the first year of us being together. She ended up dating some guy who she isn't with anymore but as soon as they broke up she had called my SO and told him he could start seeing the kids. Hence we knew it was only because she needed help because it wasn't even three days after they broke up that she was calling my boyfriend and asking him to do all sorts of favors for her with taking the kids. Just before Christmas until the end of February she didn't let us take the kids because she was back with her boyfriend but that didn't last long at all because now we've had the kids every other weekend since the beginning of March. He is the coach of his six-year-old soccer team. And he has always been involved as much as he can every chance he gets. He even put the gas bill at her house in his name because she was getting a shut-off notice and couldn't afford it so he helped her out cuz obviously he wanted to make sure his kids had heat and hot water! So here is my thing... this woman is always bashing him and criticizing him and bringing up past life situations from when they were together to try to bring him down whenever she is mad at him but when she needs something done around the house or help with the kids she is the most sweetest woman ever to him! I understand that she is a single mother of three boys and it isn't easy but is it wrong for me to get mad at the fact that every time she needs something my boyfriend helps her out? She clearly isn't back with her other on and off relationship because if that was the case she wouldn't be asking my man for help! But every single time that he says yes to her I get so angry inside and it pisses me off because I don't think that it is right how she treats him and then for him to help her out blows my mind! I feel like if I was in his shoes I would tell her to f off and figure it out. If they had a good relationship and she was great at coparenting, of course I would say help the woman out but she is a shitty person and takes advantage of his kindness. Am I wrong for getting mad at him and feeling this way?
- NotEasy525's blog
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I also married my bf from
I also married my bf from high school. BM tried like heck to interfere, and DH lost site of the joy that came with our reunion at times. High conflict BM (HCBM) need firm boundaries to the keep the crazy out. Focus more on making your life together a pleasant experience and any dealing with her a major PITA for him. Do not make it easy on him to serve her. I also suggest giving yourself a mental deadline for him to get his priorities straight. No sense in wasting time if he can never sever the cord from her.
The marriage/relationship with you should be the first priority, the kids are the first responsibilty. Notice there was nothing for the ex.
You need to ask your DH who he wants to be married to -
you or BM? It sounds like he still has some feeling for her of some sort. When he says he is doing something for the kids - that is an excuse. He needs to cease all communication with BM unless it is about the kids. I'm sure if he hadn't put the gas bill in her name she would have figured something out.
When she denies him visitation he needs to start filing for contempt every time she does it. He can do that on his own without a lawyer.
Does he pay child support? Or
Does he pay child support? Or he just helps her out as she asks for it?
He pays every month, yes.
He pays every month, yes.