Hello to All. -Long Introduction.-
I'm happy I found this place,and I'm new here. I guess I'll tell some of my history. I've been married for a few years now. We don't have children together(yet). My DH has two sons from a previous relationship.
The BM is a bit unbalanced. It has been a really long and ugly road with her. In the beginning she did those typical and insane BM things. There are those of you out there who know *first hand* what I'm talking about. You name it...she did it. She didn't want him to be with me. She tried her hardest to put enough strain on our relationship that it would break. She would end us if it was the last thing she did. She sat and planned her schemes and what would be said and done. She would win! Even if she did have someone of her own. That didn't matter and wasn't her focus. He was supposed to be alone. He wasn't supposed to move on. It had "wounded her pride. She still loved him." I'm sure that supposed love was rekindled when she found out his eyes were on me. Her schemes didn't turn out with the result she so desperately wanted. I've read quite a few stories here of other people who have dealt with a lunatic BM hell bent upon getting their way. It sure burns them when they don't get it.
DH has had a bad experience with her. At one point in time he believed all the ugly things she said to keep him down and powerless. He believed when she told him what a horrible father he was. It was a major insecurity of his that she preyed upon. He believed that she would take his kids from him. She had him right where she wanted him when he was down. He's no longer down and she doesn't dare pull the shit she did at one point. It is funny how people react when faced with a roaring person who won't be ran over anymore. She has nothing to say. She tip-toes her way with him as she's not sure how he'll react. Her power is gone. She treads carefully and I find it hilarious.
Sometimes,it takes a while for our men to realize that they aren't the bastards they've been told that they are. The guilt eats them alive and is their focus for a long time until they come to terms with it. They LET these women put them down. They are ran over,used,and treated like garbage whose sole purpose in life is to kiss asses/fork over money,gifts and never take up for themselves.
Not to say that he's a perfect angel. DH is far from that. I'm sure he gave quite a bit back in response to what he got. He probably took pleasure in pissing her off. It was just an obvious thing. That sometimes vindictive women would rather point the finger of blame rather than get any attention put onto their own deeds. Her deed was leaving her kids behind more than once to go run off to do her own thing and live her life/discover who she was/be with some man in another state. DH has never done that. These hags would rather spew blame than to be examined themselves. She hates the fact that she has more strikes than he does.
The funny thing is - DH and I both know that neither of us have ever done anything that we had to feel bad about. Both of us have made decisions with the best interests of children involved. Even if that meant that it would be harder on ourselves to go down that road. If anyone wants to sit and point the blame finger later in life...we won't own that one.
If people don't wish to give respect where it is due...it is their loss of having a relationship with DH. He would rather not if he's going to be treated like that. He chooses what he does. I'm sure it is believed that I'm brainwashing DH and making him into this new person. That he's my puppet and all this new roaring in the face of disrespect is coming from my influence. It isn't me. He's tired of being treated like crap and treated like a walking talking pocketbook. He's something more than just the guy who buys nice things and then can eff off. People don't react too well to their disrespect being called out and not tolerated. Especially,after they've done it steadily for years and gotten away with it. He's the @!$hole then. All because he dared stand up for himself. But,don'tcha know...it's me doing it afterall. He's my puppet. Hahhahaha.
- Not.a.Mom's blog
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teach me the way!
"Sometimes,it takes a while for our men to realize that they aren't the bastards they've been told that they are. The guilt eats them alive and is their focus for a long time until they come to terms with it. They LET these women put them down. They are ran over,used,and treated like garbage whose sole purpose in life is to kiss asses/fork over money,gifts and never take up for themselves."
oh please tell me how to help him to have that enlightenment! F has been verbally beat down for 14 yrs by BM, I think SD will turn 18 before he has this realization.
And frankly F would be happier as "my puppet" than her b*tch any day!
from my SD, the reason we're going through it all....:
o, btw, my dad and *northernsiren* are the best family a girl(and boy) could ever hope for. Thank you for helpping me through these hard times.
It definitely didn't happen overnight. The ugly treatment built up for so long. Years actually. It wasn't always like this. At one point BM called all of the shots and she knew that she did. It is obvious to all involved that it isn't like that anymore.
I did gripe about it all the time. He would tire of hearing it. He would get super annoyed with me. He would get defensive and say all the things that they usually say. He knew that I was calling it as I saw it. He knew the truth;he wasn't ready to put a stop to the treatment at that point. He knew for himself what was being done to him. He just hadn't decided for himself at that point that he had had enough. I think that what really put the ball into motion was DH son treating him just like BM did. DH had enough of people never calling him unless they wanted something from him. He had enough of being used. If people thought that was all he was good for they could piss off. No matter who they were. He's been ready to roar into faces since. I guess it is just the breaking point that each person has.
I'm in the same
I'm in the same situation...my husband's ex used to manipulate him into doing whatever she wanted post divorce, for about 4 years. She used guilt trips to try & make him feel bad. She used to send her other kids with him when he went to pick up his "son" (not even really his biological son we found out recently...thats a whole other manipulation story) like he was a babysitting service. All kinds of crap like that. Always trying to get money out of him. Then I came along and ruined all her plans. I taught him how to stand up to her, but I didn't force him to. He wanted to end all her games & now she blames me. She told me in an email that they got a long fine & he got a long fine with her kids until he got engaged to me. The only reason they got a long fine was because she walked all over him & she got her way because he's too nice. Now that he's remarried & has different priorities (me & our kids) she goes ballistic and its all my fault. I just laugh that after all these years of her trying to control him, he no longer cares what she says or wants. I love it LOL
Just because you CAN give birth, doesn't mean you SHOULD
Yep,I hear you loud and clear. It is funny to me just how nutty the BM can get. It sure wasn't funny at the time but years later I can ponder it and laugh. These women don't have the good sense to figure out that our significant others cannot stand them. A text message is more than plenty contact with his ex as far as he is concerned. He finds that to be almost unbearable.
I think I have read some of your story,but I'm not positive on this. I'll go have a look to see if I'm right or not. It is kind of funny how when our men make decisions and change and it instantly *must* be our fault that he has changed. He's standing up to people. He's taking up for himself. He's not going along with the program. How dare he. That is what I meant by others thinking that all of his changes are all because of me and him being my puppet. In my case, I don't think DH's son really likes me too much anymore. I believe (a gut feeling) that his son believes that all of DH's changes are due to me. I think SS thinks that DH is my puppet or that DH is brainwashed by me. Haha,yeah right. DH is just fed up with being treated like crap. DH having an attitude back at him is DH's doing alone.
Yep, it's all OUR fault
My SD stb 13 didn't QUITE come out and say it was all my fault. When she was up here for the summer she pulled a hysterical emotional guilt-tripping fit (just like BM does!) because "Daddy isn't as much of a friend as he used to be." DH didn't bring his (many) casual girlfriends around his daughter when he was single, and guilt-parented because he never saw her. This year he improved himself immensely, and instead of letting her watch TV or play on the computer constantly, he actually (gasp!) started to parent. This was not well-received by SD, and during this blow-up, she made the comment, "He's changed a lot since he met you." For the better, I say! He's happier and more successful now that he's facing challenges head-on. Luckily for us, BM remarried 9 months after we got married (I believe she was engaged within two months of our announcement - talk about competitive) and is more comfortable financially. That combined with his refusal to lay down and take her abuse has led to her not speaking to him. It's been a very peaceful year!
my fellow puppeteer
Hey, BM also thinks that I hold the strings for FH. I wish! Maybe then I can make him go out and buy lots of new things like jewelry, shoes, etc for me....lol.
BM says I am the one who is "controlling" FH and making him change his opinion/ruining their agreed upon parenting views of the kids. Yeah, right. FH put up with BM always 'telling' him how to care for and raise the kids when they were at his home. She would call him up to remind him about bedtimes and let him know that the kids need snow boots outside when it is snowing. Good thing too, cuz I am sure FH wouldn't be able to figure that out by looking outside the window or anything. FH got tired of her crap, disrespect towards him and myself and her constant manipulation and double standards.
Of course, BM can't see this. She has never done anything wrong. Everything she does is in the best interests of her kids. Like, not allowing them to go to "girl scouts" or other sports involvement, clearly these activities are harmful to the kids and of "no real value"...her exact words.
I think these BMs are seriously delusional living in what I refer to as crazytown. This is where they are always right, nothing make sense except to them, and everyone is against them and always wrong.
These BMs are just fuming with jealousy. They thought they were the DH world and walked on water. When the relationship ended, despite who ended it, they thought DH would crawl up in a cave and die alone. These men picked themselves up, grew some balls, and found better partners who know what being in relationship/marriage is really about and are also better mothers (even if we have never given birth) to the kids than BM is.
It is funny and very sad that these women are so difficult and cannot work with the DH for the best interests of their kids.
I have to give credit to someone here I cannot remember who exactly it was who termed this BM 'hates us more than they love their kids'.
Hahahaha@crazytown! }:) That is just about the best description of it that I have heard!
I've been there, too....
DH's ex, teen kids, and controlling older sister all reacted with dismay when he decided to go his own way.
He had been the caretaker for years. He rocked the kids as infants, did the groceries, laundry, cooking,
child care, yard work, home repairs while working full time. BM is lazy and inept, very child-like. She
"worked late" a lot. After twenty years he had to get out or die. But he shortly met me and of course
it was easier to blame me for being a bad influence than realize that the situation had come to an end.
His sister did a weird trip when her son and husband subsititute (he had been staying with her looking
for work) got married to me. She sided with the ex and basically tried to destroy him through gossip and
slander. These people are sickos.5
We moved 1000 miles away and it's great.
You have completely pinned 110% my husband and his ex and also the part I tend to play. It is amazing! Part of me is really glad I am not alone in this whole thing!
I think that's why I feel at home here already. Lots of us are living such similar lives. I hope to hear the stories of everyone here. Ty for the welcome.