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so upset... P*&$ed...

non_mom23's picture

Okay, so my SD8 has her figure skating show all weekend. Who is the one that made sure she has everything ready? Has her hair and makeup done? Whose costume fits and is put on correctly? How gets her flowers and takes responsibility for everything??? ME ME ME!!! I don't mind but no appreciation. Guess what the Socio (BM) isn't even showing up!! Go figure, I'm actually happy.

So my H has been such a jerk lately, hurting my feelings (on purpose or not who knows), my SD has pulled an attitude and isn't listening again. SD8 I think is in the stage where she knows absolutely everything and we are just the dumbest humans on the planet. I can't take it!! I just can't take it. I want to run away and never ever come back. My H is such an ass, I've cried 3 times today. He thinks I'm acting ridiculous and I hate it. I really am regretting ever have met him, that's just how upset I am at the whole situation.

I miss what it was like without him, I miss being single and independent, I miss everything about it. How terrible is that, of course I'm not going to leave. Apparently I don't have the guts but I guess I hope things will get better, they always do but still. I'm so hurt and upset. Sorry for ranting on but I needed to vent so badly.


Valleymom's picture

That tottaly sucks your husband is being such an ass. I'm sorry to hear that you dont deserve that at all. I thinks it horrible nobody appreciated your effort. Maybe next time you make your husband do all the work for his kid? Let him see how it feels to be unappreciated

Sassy's picture

Be kinder than necessary to everyone! We all have our battles.

My hubby tells me all the time how much he knows I do for this family and how much he appreciates it (even if the kids don't). There is no reason for you to do all that and get nothing in return. I know being a mom, you want to make sure it's all done and done right, but really let that butthead H of yours do it all for a while, maybe then he'll see.

Gia's picture

When *they* take you for granted, when they believe you HAVE to do all these things, not acknowledging the fact that you are doing it because you WANT not because you have to... It really is painful to do so much and get nothing in return... My husband *almost* always appreciates everything I do, but then sometimes I start feeling like I'm doing too much and getting nothing but negative things in return, and all I have to do is remind him every once in a while, how underappreciated I feel sometimes, and he apologizes and goes back to the "I appreciate everything you do" phase again! (which is like 90% of the time)


non_mom23's picture

I'm actually heading to Boston next weekend to spend some time with friends. Well when I told him he was not happy. Where are you getting the money from? How are you getting there? etc....

He knows I used to live there and blah blah blah...
Well I saved up about $100 extra and need a treat b/c I haven't left the area in forever...Why is he grilling me?? I don't know if he's mad about the money or about the idea of me leaving for the weekend or that I didn't ask him if I had permission to go?? God why can't I just do anything w/o questions?????