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Is this why SKIDs grow up to hate us?

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As I mentioned in my last blog entry, my SD7 is an attention whore.

I usually never care about what she wants to show me...which is usually her booty-shaking. But I pretend like I do. I congratulate her when she shows me things she made in school and I say they are nice, even though I really could care less.

Faking Enjoying Attention-Seeking Behavior

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Ughhh i'm so weary of being fake. SD7: Hey mom, look at this new dance I came up with. SD7 dances and I have to smile and fake and say "great job, that was wonderful!". Getting her to open a book is impossible. Getting her to sit still is impossible. She is in a great mood as long as she has an audience. Even when she plays with BD2, she always looks back at us to see if we're watching her engage. I'm a musician and i've been singing since I was 2. But I've always appreciated great music with great vocals.

I spoke up for myself and it felt good

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But I failed.

I take the bus to work now, to save gas. DH asked if I could drop SD7 off at school on my way to the bus stop at 7:00am, which would require me to get up an thirty minutes earlier (which doesn't sound like a big deal, but i'm not a morning person, i'm an insomniac and every little bit of sleep I get in the morning is luxurious). I said "hmmmm. lemme think. no." just like that, no pauses, not even flinching.

But that fucker talked me into it. It actually makes common sense. Because her school is on my way, but out of the way for him.

Guilt with Favoritism

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I know I shouldn't feel guilt due to my favoritism of my sd7 vs. my bd2. It's perfectly natural, normal and validated (especially here in a forum full of men and women who understand).

But somehow I still feel guilty. At the same time, this child SD7 treats me like a second-rate citizen and I KNOW that i'm the adult in the situation, but it makes it even harder to love her. There's no possible way I can love this child more than my own.

And there's no possible way I can get DH to fully understand, since they're both his. Ugh!!

Problems With Mom Understanding.

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My mom always makes me feel guilty for my normal SM thoughts.

It's like I CAN'T say anything negative at all about my feelings with being a SM. She will say i'm blaming the child and i'm being selfish. I don't take it too personally because I know my mom has no clue how it feels to be a SM. Anyone else have this same problem?

He put SD7 on the phone, I rolled my eyes and faked happiness

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Yesterday DH was taking SD7 to a doctor's appointment. I was talking to him, happy to talk to him...and then he puts SD7 on the phone to talk to me. I roll my eyes and exhale sharply, because I don't want to talk to her, I want to talk to my husband. She just says hi, but not much else. I ask normal questions you ask a 7 year old after a doctor's appointment...pretending to care. But she was giving me short, choppy answers and I didn't really want to talk to her anyway.

BM is SO immature, wtf?!

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She is clearly not over DH, which is understandable. He's a wonderful man, that's why I married him. But SD7 told me last night at dinner that her BM told her to lie and tell people that me and DH aren't married.

WTF? Why would she do that? I'll tell you why- I had to explain to SD7 what "ashamed" means. BM is ashamed that she f***ed up her marriage to DH and doesn't want to acknowledge that someone else has stepped up to the plate. I told SD7 not to worry, and that she's not in trouble because she was just listening to her mom.

SD keeps lying

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Anyone had an issue with a skid incessantly lying? I got my hair done by the same lady who did SD7's hair and the hairdresser told me that SD7 told her that me and her father weren't married and that I was just his girlfriend. She also maintained the lie's of abuse going on in the house. We've had DSS in our house twice because of her false claims and they always see that her and my BD2 have a warm, loving home and SD7 is just having trouble coping with the fact that BM no longer lives there.