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Confused....Why are you calling me??

noidea1010's picture

So I'm not really complaining, I'm more confused.

Yesterday, SD12 texts me. She NEVER texts me unless I've texted her first. It went like this:

SD12: Hi Noidea, how are u?

Noidea: (isn't she in school? Are they allowed to use cell phones at school?) I'm good, how are you?

SD12: Not so good. (now I'm thinking she can't get a hold of SO and something is wrong. She's with BM this week, maybe she can't get a hold of her either. Either that, or it's one of those rare times she'll talk to me before SO)

Noidea: What's wrong?

By this time, I am at a lunch with my boss and SD12 calls.

She says she's calling me just to say hi and I ask her if she's at school. She's not, she's sick. BM thinks that she might have strep. Ok, I tell her that BM should take her to the Dr. She says that her and BM are on their way back from the Dr. Okaaaayyyy.....still not getting why she called me and trying to figure it out. So they did a culture and then they will prescribe antibiotics. So I tell her once she gets on that, she'll start doing better. I've had strep too. She says that she's had it before too. Then she starts asking me what I'm doing, etc. And I'm thinking, BM is fine with you calling just to chat with me??? So I tell her I'm at a lunch with my boss, very sorry she's sick, and hope she feels better soon. I'm not exactly a huge sympathetic person to her. In the beginning I was, but then she lied to me a few times about being "sick" and I stopped. So I'm not really thinking she's calling me for sympathy.

After lunch, I call SO and ask if he's talked to SD12 today. He had and he was up-to-date on everything. So I asked him, "so then why do you think SD12 called me?" He's not offended, because it is unusual. Only thing he could come up with was that she must have wanted to talk to me. I can't see SO being so happy if SD decided to call BM's BF while she was sitting next to SO, "just to say hi". So a bomb about to drop or is this a good thing?


Anne Boleyn's picture

Definitely suspicious. Especially since BM was there. I was thinking BM wanted you to pay for meds and take care of her today.

newtothis03's picture

Sounds like she was fishing for something. I would for sure make me wonder what's up if this isn't normal

noidea1010's picture

I might think so too, however, it would be SO she dumped her on, not me. SO understands that she is HIS child, therefore my work will not suffer because his child is sick.

Although...I do work from home at times, so it could have been that BM was willing to let her come stay with me if I was working from home. Possibly?

SO and I don't live together. I also tend to tell him not to allow BM to just randomly make changes. Something he allowed her to do when we started dating over a year ago and we never knew when she would change plans. So I'd be hard-pressed to let her come stay with me just because she's sick. I feel for her (SD12), I want someone to take care of me when I'm sick, but I'm not her mom. And if I was her mom, I'd been looking hard at myself as to why my daughter would rather go stay with daddy's gf instead of me. Of course, just like most BMs talked about on here, she thinks her life is more important then everyone else's, so this would allow her to ditch a sick kid and carry on.