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Ruined Christmas

No voice's picture

My Fiances 13 year old step son came to spend Christmas with us for a week. He has autism, aspirgeres, and is a very rude and ignorant child. His mother is a controlling which and spends all of the time that the son isnt with us poisoning him against me.
I have spent my Christmas Eve and Boxing Day in my room in an upset over how rude this child is to me. His father refuses to address any of the issues in fear that his son will stop coming to see him. We had an argument at dinner tonight when his don told me to be quiet. I told him to shut up and hit my limit. I unplugged the internet so that he couldn't play the Xbox which is all that he does on his visits. His father, my now former partner defended his adopted son and said he would move out and get an apartment. So that is my Christmas I have gone from being engaged to my relationship ending.
And the ex will be thrilled.


surfchica's picture

I know how you feel. EXACTLY. When your spouse puts their child above your relationship you are in for a world of hurt. You will NEVER win unless counseling is sought and is actually successful. My marriage failed because of this. Be happy you didn't get legally entangled. But I am sorry you had to go through this.

No voice's picture

I am sorry to hear your marriage failed as a result of this. counselling Is something I was willing to consider but my greatest fear is having this boy grow up and think he can live with us and still treat me like a door mat. The way he is being brought up leads me to believe there will many problems ahead and it seems time to end it before having to go through lawyers down the road.
I am faced with having both of them staying in my home until they find somewhere else to go and I don't have the strength to fight.

watergirl714's picture

I hope for your sake that you stay strong and that he leaves soon. With the pressure of the holiday visit behind you, it may be easy to explain way/postpone/procrastinate. The teen age is an issue, probably the ex and the way he was raised, but definitely the biggest problem, as others have said, is the former fiance. Like so many others on here, if you have a partner that is weak, it will be you against them forever. Better to get out now. I wish I could say it gets better but honestly, it has not for us. In fact, after 10 years of wishing/hoping, etc., I chose to spend NO time with the awful adult stepkids and had the nicest holiday ever. My husband, brother in law and son on Christmas eve, just us 3 on Christmas morning and in the afternoon, at my brother's house so my son could play with his cousins. Good for you for setting the boundary and who cares what his ex thinks. She/he obviously had problems. Just be glad it's your last holiday dealing with their #$%0.

No voice's picture

So how did it work for you when you said you wouldn't have any thing to do with the step children?
I have put my foot down and said the SS can no longer have visits in my home and still have his father fighting me that I am not being reasonable.

sandra1's picture

Do NOT marry this man. You will be sorry. TRUST what EVERYONE IS SAYING ON THIS THREAD.

No voice's picture

I Agee completely about eating shit and smiling. How does this happen? When it is my home they are in.?