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Its not BS13's fault your kids are a mess!

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So as I mention in my last post my BS13 is a really good kid. Not cause he's my son but he does what is expected of him. I'm actually proud to say that many people come up to me, neighbors and even strangers to compliment me on his manners. He has a very big heart and likes to help others. With this being said my boyfriend has never really had any complaints about him, if anything he has even praised how good of a kid he is and what a great job I did raising him as a SM.

be careful what you wish for...

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My FDH and I have a long history. We started seeing each other in 2007 after he found out BM was cheating on him. He separated and we started dating and fell in love. We moved in together a few months later. Although he was separated, I told him I would not go on with our relationship until he got officially divorced. A few months into our relationship he went back to BM to "work" things out for the kids. Afer a few months of that he came back to me bacause things did not work out. I took him back because of how much I loved him. This went on for a few years, up until Jan 2011.