Nise's Blog
This situation is getting VERY SCARY for my stepdaughter!
It didn’t take long for things to get ugly and this is EXACTLY what we were afraid of!
Finally a positive depiction of fathers
There is a new movie coming out in February by Tyler Perry and it is called Daddy’s Little Girls…you should make it a point to check this movie out and I CANNOT WAIT for it to hit the big screen…Tyler Perry said that he wanted to show that all fathers are not dead beats who don’t care about their children and that Hollywood has yet to show a Single Dad raising his three little girls by choice…I believe it comes out in February…
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The stepfamily saga is no more on Desperate Housewives!...and my reaction....
The stepfamily saga is no more on Desperate Housewives! Carolyn found out that her husband had been cheating on her so she went to his grocery store to “send him to be with Monique” (who is now dead). Lynette and Nora were in the grocery store and among the hostages. Nora started talking to Lynette about her “trying to take her daughter away” b/c Lynette and Tom had begun action to sue Nora for custody of Kayla. Carolyn, the gunwoman, heard them talking and questioned why they were making noise when she’d instructed them to be quiet.
Sometimes we need to be reminded…..
Okay so I was sitting on the couch in the family room last night about 6:45 pm watching t.v.
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The party was a success!
The birthday party went great! We had enough of everything we needed (one child did not show up). They had a great time…getting them to sing loud was like pulling teeth, some of them acted really shy…but after the “competition” was over, they were on the microphone LOUD as can be…LOL…they all spent the night, boys and girls (ages 5-7) my husband slept in the front room with the boys and I slept in the back room with the girls…they stayed up telling stories and I know the girls didn’t go to sleep until after 1:30 AM!!!
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Happy, you reminded me of this article.....
I was thinking about Happy and her dilemma and it made me think of an article I read a while ago. It gave me a new perspective on my marriage so I searched for it. It appeared on Christianity Today. Here is the link:
The author is Becky Zerbe and below is an excerpt from her article. It is a MUST READ when you have the time!
The List That Saved My Marriage
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MEN are soooo special! Okay so i’ve gotta get this off my chest! I’m a PLANNER and I like things ORGANIZED…so sue me! Well SD5 will be turning 6 tomorrow. We are having a themed birthday party at out house. American Idol….the kids will dress up and “perform” and the adults will “judge” my husband has a mini-studio in his office in our basement so he will actually play tracts for them to sing to and then put their recording on a CD for them to take home after the party. I’m excited and I know it will be fun!
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Desperate Housewives true to life!!
Okay ladies…for all who missed it last night…there was more to the Stepfamily story line…. Lanett’s Husband Tom had this bright idea to start a Pizzeria…the biomom was snooping when she dropped the daughter off at her dad’s and overheard all of this…so she (the ex) told Lanett that she’d better “nip his little idea in the bud or we will both be swinging from a poll trying to pay for braces”…but the ex then turned around and told Tom it was a great idea and that she bet Lanett tried to squash his dream…so she is playing both ends against the middle trying to win Tom back…
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Father hires a hitman to kill his unborn child
Did you guys read this story on Blogging Baby? What are your thoughts?
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Legal Question....Candice maybe you know....
Does anyone know how this works…okay so she petitioned the court to get an increase in Child Support…they did the calculations and gave her a $65 a month decrease…she appealed the decrease…and they have been withholding the same amount of money from my husband’s check each month and then they take the $65 and put it in an “escrow” account…now if they decide at a later date that the original calculations stand, he will get the money…however if they decide that the original calculations were incorrect and she should have received an increase…will the penalize him for that and back date it?
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