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Okay Ladies, this is to good

nicole's picture

The FH is so pissed that im going out of town..He says that im punishing him for going to Ex step daughters graduation...That he is sorry i wasnt invited, but that it is probably best, that im not to familiar with HIS girls anyway....Oh what an ass.................I can not wait to leave this weekend...Im not even gonna answer his calls!!


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

like how can yu imagine wanting to go out of town with your friends, unless it centered around being angry and punishing him...

And, let's see, yu guys have been together for how long and yur not familiar with HIS girls? Whose fault would that be?

melis070179's picture

Why don't you ask him why, after 5 years, are you not "familiar" with "his" girls? Is that your fault? No, I think its probably his!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

mom of two's picture

Responding that they're not his girls.

For one he shouldn't be going unless both of you attend, and he should have told them right off the bat, when they invite him its automatic for you. There's been too many deal breakers with this guy. Perhaps you'll feel better when you return, and can approach him about going your separate ways. And I don't see anything positive with this guy, Do you think he ever intended to marry you? He's brainwashed you into forfilling his needs without anything in return. You say your engaged, when your engaged that means a date has been set. Has that been done? How about telling him all of this stuff, and fine if he chooses to just look at you then give him a move out date. He can move in with his ex's kids since he values them over you.

secondwife20's picture

FUN and forget about him. He's just jealous because he has to sit through a long and very boring graduation while you get to go out of town to have some fun!

Sia's picture

what an ass! Go, and have a great time!

sarahbernheart's picture

to do with him and his - that you are doing this for...YOU
you might have to draw him a picture.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Angel's picture

go have fun EVERY time he's with his pretend daughters. Why should you stay home and revolve around him? He's surely not revolving around you.

melis070179's picture

I hate to say this, but he obviously considers these girls that he raised since they were young as his own daughters...and while I still don't understand why you have had no contact with them for 5 years and he has been involved in their lives the whole time, it obviously is not going to change. He's not going to just up & walk out of their lives after 15 years of being in them, I think he's made that clear. So you have to decide if you want to be with him & get to know these girls or walk away and not marry him. And I think that decision is a very tough one! Maybe they are nice girls & you will like them if given the chance to know them, or maybe they would make your life hell...although it sounds like thats whats going on now & you don't even know them! I would say its his fault though for not including you. I feel for you! Do you still want to marry this man or are you ready to walk?

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"