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Just told me that im crazy.....

nicole's picture

I spoke to FH and he said that onece we are married all the insurance will change...He had the chance to change it yesterday, but did not...We live together and it sort of hurts to know that he could care less what happens to me in the case God forbide something happen to him...But his ex step children will sure be taken care of...He always turns it around asn makes it my fault somehow...Like all i want to do is fight...And thats far from the truth...It just hurts that im not important..I forget that i have no place with him...


melis070179's picture

Do you guys have any joint bills right now that you would have to pay off in the event of his demise? if so, I'd bring that up. If not, make sure you don't get any until its changed!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

nicole's picture

No i have no bills with him...Thank goodness...I have watched my step, because of the things that have gone on...I know i will have to deal with this the rest of my life if it i either deal or go my own way...I dont know how to feel anymore.

melis070179's picture

Well as long as you guys have no joint bills I guess he just feels its fine to wait until you're married to change it? How far into the future are you guys getting married?

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

nicole's picture

oh its been talked about for years...he always had an excuse for why we i dont know...and with the way things have been going im in no rush.

melis070179's picture

I know when you went to dinner you said he didn't treat you very did she treat you?

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

nicole's picture

but she just talked to him...I tried to act like i was following the conversation..They talked about people i dont know..Then of course about her mother..Her mother has a friend that takes advantage of her and this is a friend that was around when they where told him it made her mad that the friend took advantage of her mom...Well he speaks up and says it pissed him off also when the friend did that to her mother...I was just sitting there in a fog..Not believing that i had come to meet this person and i had to sit there and not talk,,,and listen to the ex wife stories....She was just indifferent to me, not rude, just...well nothing///.

melis070179's picture

Well, I would say indifferent is pretty rude! Its rude to exclude a person in your group from a conversation, and its rude to bring up your F ex-wife and all her stories in front of you. Thats a shame.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

KittyKat's picture

if you didn't know in your heart that something is VERY VERY
WRONG with this picture.

PLEASE follow that gut feeling. As Dr. Phil says Long engage-
ments don't make for long marriages. Anyone, F, H, SKids, will
get away with what they CAN.

YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO FEEL HURT. Vent away here; right now,
you are in the beginning "shock" stage...5teens reminded me not too long ago of how she remembers when I was will do ANYTHING to "fix it"...then you get SMART and realize...maybe it's time YOU (my PARTNER) start fixing things.
Maybe it's time MY PARTNER start worrying about how I FEEL instead of ME worrying all the time about HE/SHE feels.


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

acep74's picture

what are you doing woman? he is ignoring you, and discussing his ex with sd... why? They are over why be concerned ...
But not putting you down for anything, how long have you been together..? It doesnt matter if you have bills together or not, you have worked to buy things for your home and what other things you have together its your home . You are entitiled to be listed as his beneficery! (sorry if spelling isnt right)
Im sorry lol but you deserve better

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

RELATIONSHIP. There. Sorry for shouting. My h is making my life hell-true hell-and it's because he does not give a single thought to how I feel about anything. Not one thought. While living in my house.

I don't imagine for one minute that yur F would be willing to sit thru dinner with, let say, a friend of yours, while you discussed one of you ex bf's...that wasn't just thoughtless-it was plain cruel. Nevermind about the insurance policy-it just is a written document that verifies who is important to this man. And I'm sorry, but it obviously isn't you. Just like it isn't me, here.

Sasha's picture

AMEN, sister!

Run, don't walk, to the nearest exit. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Get out now before you waste more of your life with this commitment-phobe.

Sarah101's picture

...but my friends above are correct. Marrying BF or continuing the way you are won't be good for you in the long run. In your own words you are "not important" and you "have no place with him"--so why do you think anything will change in the future?

A wedding ring will change NOTHING, and will probably make the situation worse. What advice would you give to your (pretend) daughter if she were in your place?

I know it seems monumental to think that your investment in BF and your years together may not be "forever," like you have imagined and planned for. We all have been there. For now, keep you accounts separate, and be objective and take notes about how he treats you relative to the precious princesses, the promises he makes, and the REALITY of his actions (like insurance). After a while, you may well come to the conclusion that you deserve better than what BF is offering you.

Remember: If nothing changes, nothing changes. Are you willing to live like this for the rest of your life?

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

you have no rights. You are filling the positon of wife-without the legal binding marriage documents, yet being treated like something far less.

If you've read my posts, you see the impossible situation I have found myself in-after hearing all the promises before marriage. Oh, girl, how he loved me. How he couldn't live with out me.

the ink wasn't even close to dry on the marriage certificate when it turned to hell. I've been taken for a nasty ride and hope you will avoid one. Read some of my blogs-you'll see just what I mean.

If you can leave, do so. If not, get your plans ready to do so. Just my opnion.