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Hurt feelings

Nicky's picture

Hey everyone...I haven't posted much, I'm still a newbie and haven't told my story yet, but will soon when I have the energy because it's long. Anyway, my DH was recently laid off and he has been having a hard time making his bills. After his CS is paid, there's not much money left over. So as you can imagine, it really put a damper on our Christmas. We had to tell SS10 that we couldn't give him the presents he wanted, that he wouldn't be getting anything. We had to borrow money from my mom to help make the bills this month. I tearfully confided in a co-worker that there would be no Christmas for us, I was so stressed. She generously helped us by buying a few gifts for the kids. (I have SS10 and his brother, long story, and their same age uncle). I thought that it would be good enough, I was relieved and thankful. So today my hubby told me his boss who haid laid him off gave him a Christmas bonus and that was a nice surprise. He goes on to tell me that he is giving SS what he really wanted and the other kids some of the cash. I was appalled (sp?) He said that what presents they had, the kids wouldn't care about them and he could do more. How ungrateful!!!!!! What hurt me is that I got him a gift before he he was laid off and gave it to him early, something he really wanted, but he's left me out in the cold. All that money is for him and the kids!!! I'm hurt, am I overreacting???


sparky's picture

No, you aren't over reacting he should have thought of you first. If he were a grown up guy he would buy everyone a small present and use the rest of the money to pay bills. Does he expect you to ask your mom every month to help with the bills while he throws the money away unnecessarily. I would be hot over this, not even getting me a Christmas card and throwing the money away for unnecessary things.

LVmyBOXERS's picture

in our house bills come before anything else. I would take say maybe $50-$100 and let him buy me a gift, but the rest to bills. If he is laid off, he still has a responsibility to help. Period. If we did not have enough left over after the bills were paid, then there would be no Christmas.

Angel's picture

mother should be paid back before gifts are given! Red Flag dear. You will probably get a lot more of this behavior in the future.

lmcguire's picture

This type of thing has happened tome so many times. Lats year and this year,my husband used the X-mas club money for our older 2,my SD's who are 23 and 21...our boys are 10,12 and 14!