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FIL thinks he should have cutody of SS5 ? this is the dumbet crap ever

newbiestepmom25's picture

DH recived the worlds dumbest and I mean dumbest email ever from FIL because we refuse to answer his calls or text

You are a poor excuse of a father you would ice out your own parents YOUR OWN FAMILY! For a women you have been married to for only 3 years when we have been their for you sense birth. SS5 needs his grandma and grandpa in his life how dare you take that away from him. I am disgusted at your actions at sunday's potluck that you would speak to your mother in I in that tone of voice. Your mother was in tears boy! I am so dissapointed in you. You don't deserve SS5. You guys both are working full time and you have a baby so do you even have the time to spend with ss? probably not. You know SS5's real mom is in a bad place in her life right now and you should be using some of that money you earn to put her in rehab so she can get better so that SS5 could have the mom he desreves.And in the mean time you should hand over custody to us. We are ritired we have the time to spend with him. We would show him real love and give him all the attention he needs. And He would be eating real food the kind your mother makes. Not that slop your wife calls food I swear the last piece of chicken she gave me have a sliver of blood in it. Imagine if SS5 ate that. I'm suprised he hasn't gotten saminala yet. If I was you I would listen to my father. I really thought the son I raised would turn out better than this. We love you and don't forget that and we are just trying to get you to see wha't best.

Really this is so ridiculous. I saw Dh get up from the computer really upset so I snooped over and saw this. This makes me sick and I am really tired of these people.


hereiam's picture

Oh, for sure I would want my kid raised by this ass!

If he is so concerned about BM, maybe he should pay for her rehab.

And he is calling your DH a poor excuse for a father? Look in the mirror, asshole.

oldone's picture

It's a tribute to your DH's inner strength that he turned out even semi-normal after crazy parents like this.

I know I'd want to rip them a new one over this crappy email but it would be better just to ignore it. That will drive them crazy.

LittlePanda's picture


Someone needs to clue your FIL in on the fact that MANY CHILDREN HAVE SIBLINGS AND FULL TIME WORKING PARENTS!!! How in the world is it better to give him away to people that can cater to and spoil him and make him think he is the center of the god damned universe than to raise him proper as ONE of a UNIT!!!! Children need to learn that they are NOT the only people in the world and siblings and normal family dynamic are perfect for teaching this! Your FIL is a jackass fucktard!! I cannot believe him! And then suggesting that YOU GUYS should pay for BM's rehab?!?!?!?!? Seriously! That is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard, EVER!!!!!!!!! If he is so keen on helping the "real mom" maybe he can pay for her rehab!

Oh, and the insults at you...he is just pushing you all further away. One day they will come around though, when they realize what freaking assholes they are being. Wow..just wow!!!!! I would reply, I wouldn't be able to contain myself!

When this happened to us and my husbands family we just ignored them for a couple of months. They missed their precious little SD so much that they came around. barf.

hismineandours's picture

Wow- i cant believe he had the testicles to even write half of that stuff down.

it amazes me the number of grown adults who feel that THEIR children should always put them first, above their spouse. My inlaws are the same, they fully expected my to dh to always put them first above me. I know they are pissy as hell, that he finally had enough and no longer speaks to them.

The contact dh has had with them over the last 9 months or so-have been them being hateful to him-insulting him, guiliting him and such which only confirms to dh that he made the right to decision. Hopefully this ridiculous email will have the same effect on your dh to know he did the right thing yesterday.

I do feel bad for him though. I know my dh is saddened by the fact that his family is a bunch of losers. AND that it took him so long to figure that out.

oldone's picture

An alternative response:

Mr. and Mrs. Newbie

are pleased to announce

the death to them

of Mr. and Mrs. Asshole Parents

Celebratory flowers may be sent to their home.

bi's picture

oh boo fucking hoo, mommy was crying because her shitty attitude cost her a visit. wth did she expect. oh wait. she's just an overgrown entitled teen just like daddy. can you imagine what ss would turn out like if raised by them? it's a damn miracle dh turned out fine!