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SD11 lying and stealing.

newbiemommy's picture

So we are not even a month into the school year and it's been terrible! SD11 has been stealing from kids at school. Just today she found a girls locker was broken so she went in and took stuff out of it. The lying has always been but is escalating to now she less about everything. Even stupid things, like do you have clean socks or did you eat lunch at school today. SO's answer is time-outs. What a joke, an 11 year old does not care! Oh, he also tells her,"SD11 if you need something tell daddy and he will buy it for you." The thing is, she's not even stealing things she needs and/or even wants. This is a nightmare! Plus, my 1 year old has started to copy how she throws fits and screams. My mom keeps telling me that raising my daughter next to her will make my daughter turn out exactly like SD11. What have I done!?


B22S22's picture

I agree with Dtzy - however what you may have to deal with is how your DH handles the situations....

If your DH handles them well, then your DD will learn (hopefully) what NOT to do.

If your DH DOESN'T handle the situations well, as in letting them slide, giving in, etc with your SD then you're in for a lot of heartache. Especially if your DH holds your DD to higher standards. I can guarantee you (speaking from experience) that this will cause anger and resentment as your DD gets older and can see/understand the obvious disparities. And it will also cause a lot of anger and resentment towards your DH on your part too.

Good luck, it's hard.

ctnmom's picture

I don't understand these men! Does he WANT to turn a kleptomaniac out on an unsuspecting public when she's 18? Sheesh!! He needs to take her to the nearest jail and show her where people with sticky fingers end up. The cops are more than happy to let you take your misbehaving kid for a "tour". When a friend of a friend found out her teenage daughter had, more than once, ridden with her boyfriend when he was drunk she got permission to take her to the mourgue. If we don't teach them right from wrong WHO WILL???

Imgoingtoscream's picture

We must have the same SD! Mine does this too. Funny thing is my husband is a cop and threatens to keep her locked up for a night just to see how she likes the steel bars. All empty threats. He is a push over when it comes to her. I've backed completely off. I refuse to have my daughter 1 act like her sister. Thankfully we only have the lying shit 4 days a month! If the situation was different and she was living with us I would leave my husband if he continued to baby her. It bothers me enough the way it is! Good luck to you.