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"Everybody loves Raymond"

newbiemommy's picture

I love this show, recently SO has been watching with me. And I think a few things have REALLY hit close to home with him. Especially when I'm cracking up and agreeing with some of the idiot, jerk moves the men on that show make. The other day we were watching and Raymond came to the realization that his wife could leave him and he rushes home to tell her, he is going to "start helping out around here more. And appreciating you more." I'm laughing and my SO says, "Yeah, I'm going to starting cleaning more, and making less messes, and making more money." I just smiled and didn't say a thing. But, you know... I think he really does realize what he has. I've seen a lot of little changes here and there. For example he has been making more money and his work habits have improved a bit, so he's been providing more. And he did actually clean the other day. Maybe, just maybe, he is starting to get it. You want to know the really sad thing? Now that our relationship is growing, the ONLY thing we fight about is SD. Or when SD says something to one of us to start a fight. We havent just had a normal fight since Thanksgiving. Yeah, I remember the last time we fought over something besides SD...


Jsmom's picture

At least you only have a "Raymond" in your life. My MIL was his mother...In every way....Loved her to death, but she had no boundaries....She has been gone for years and I laugh so much when I see the show.