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Missing my corgi (completely off topic)

Nellie's picture

I've been missing my dog that I lost to lymphoma last year. So I wrote a poem about her.

My Cali Girl

She was bossy
And adorable
But sweet

Before my eyes
She grew through puppy hood
Her adolescence
Her coming of age

To a wise woman dog
Lord of the other dogs
Lord over me too
Getting her way with cute

Funny noises
Chasing the ball
Fearlessly jumping
Into the pool

Catching rabbits
Greeting me sweetly
So many memories
To hurt me now

Taken too soon
Taken is what it was
She didn’t go
She fought to stay

In the end she gave up
And gave in
Distressed and spent she sought comfort
And said goodbye

My many names for her
Little fat girl
Puppy girlfriend
She was my baby dog

We are not done
Me and Cali
There are more times for us
She just got there first

In loving memory
California Anniversary Angel
April 15, 2001 – November 6, 2007



kathleen's picture

I'm sorr about your little dog. I know just what it is like to lose a pet. Mine still visits me in my dreams. And, my daughter talks about him all the time. I think losing a pet is like losing a family membe. Some people think of them as their children and the loss is as great. Writing abaout her makes it easier and is a great way to release your emotions.

Most Evil's picture

I completely understand. Years ago my cat died, she was almost 20 years old! I still dream about her sometimes, she was so beautiful and smart and special, and I do hope to see her again one day.

It was my first real experience with losing a loved one and it truly did break my heart. So I will mourn with you, like friends do. This poem is a beautiful way to remember your friend.

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus

smurfy1smile's picture

One of my best girlfriends has a corgi and he is such a wonderful dog. I know she would be crushed if anything happened to him. I am sorry for your loss.