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Lies,lies and more lies.

mverysad's picture

Lies. lies and more lies.......Twenty-two year old SS supose to be living with us for one year,still here after two and a half years. He earns more than our pensions and for the last two months and only the last two months he has paid us a $150.00 room and board per month. Just stood there and lied to us that he borrowed from a friend to buy a new motorbike. My Dh and I know damn well that he will soon be in receipt of a $3500.00 settlement. He also leaves open mail around the house and I know he has just qualified for a $3500.00 loan( another secret as well as the settlement ). My Dh is in denial...he thinks it is not our business to question why he is lying. If ss can go through the money he earns in a month with his lifestyle then there is something far wrong. I cannot fathom why he lies and is so secretive ..unless... we have asked him to look at moving out and as long a he pleads poverty my dh will not push it. I am at the end of my rope. I know my ss is so tight that he and is living of our pensions. I feel it is absolutely unfair to me. By the way, my dh and I have been married for only two and a half years and ss has never spent one night out of our house. He does not date, go out ..only goes to work or the gym so you tell me what he spends his $1500.00 salery per month on. His room is filthy and his bathroom habits are absolutely disgusting. Add to that a fourteen year old ss who lives with us and even though we are retirement age ...we cannot go on holiday. No-one to look after him ...Mother in another country. Did try leaving older ss with him for a few days last year... found drugs in my home upon our return. Will not risk leaving twenty-two year old in charge again. i deserve more at my age and yes I do love my dh and went into this with open eyes about raising a fourteen year old but not about having to support a lying,greedy twenty-two year old.


mverysad's picture

Thank you iwlass. We own the house jointly. I have just talked to dh about a deadline as I was watching dh hang out ss's laundry which dh aslo irons. I have given deadline before and m just ignored.

alwaysanxious's picture

TIme to move. tell DH to buy out your half of the home (or you both sell and split the money) and get your own place. The son will never move. He has it good. Dad will not make him move. He's in a perpetual caretaking role. Not saying leave him or divorce, just get your own place.