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Things were going well until duh duh dummmmm…..

mswtfever's picture

I am posting under a different name tonight because it seems BM has gone google crazy and I'm feeling paranoid. I'm sorry ladies. I've been around since crayon number 1 lol.

DH and BM have no transportation guidelines for SS5 put into the papers. Stupid, if you ask me. I have them in mine for my DD. So every once in a while when BM is feeling like she has a pineapple up her ass she decides to fuck with us. She moved to Texas which is a few states over about a year ago. She just up and left. So we went through all the problems of who does transportation. We told her she had two options: 1. We meet half-way. 2. We come and get him and she would have to come pick him up from us. We talked to the police station about the second option and they were on board because they do not become involved with civil situations. We all know this. They said that they cannot forcefully take the child in either situation. She will never admit that she is wrong and will lie her ass off to prove that she is correct. She opted for meeting us half way. That worked out for a little while and she finally moved back to OurTown. Well apparently she gets knocked up and meets a guy while she is seven months pregnant that is willing to claim her spawn. So two months after they meet he signs the baby’s birth certificate and then they are married two months later. Well when they get married BM moves to his town which is about two hours away. Things were going well and we were meeting halfway for a while now. This week she decides she is pissed at DH and here comes the shit storm.
She decides she wants him to do all transportation. We tell her that if that’s the way she wants it then we will come get him and she will have to pick him up from us. We are not withholding him, she is welcome to get him anytime she wants and whenever is convenient for her. She states that if we do this we will immediately be arrested. Both of us. We have contacted police department in our county and they have everything on file. If this situation comes up, they will come out and report but do nothing else. IT IS A CIVIL MATTER. This is not enough from the self-proclaimed princess. She must have it exactly how she states. She then tries to get her to meet us in a town that is fifteen minutes away from her and an hour and a half away from us stating that this is half way. We are not stupid. We know about Mapquest.
Apparently first of all she says that SS5 cries when he has to come to our house and doesn’t want to be here. She says that she is going to have a cop talk to him about why he doesn’t want to come and then he doesn’t have to come anymore. She is actually telling the five year old this while bribing him with other things. When it comes time to leave she says shit like OMG we are going to miss you and we are going to do this this and this while you’re gone. Of course he’s going to cry and not only that, he is five so he is going to miss mom. This is totally understandable. She antagonizes this issue. She also states that she has a lawyer who is going to help her take us to court and SS5 is going to talk to the judge and this will stop visitation. I am not stupid. He is five and highly immature in so many ways. No judge is going to give him a second thought.
This LAWYER. She sent us a statement that was supposedly sent to her by the lawyer about said transportation. I was thinking to myself, she doesn’t have a car, how does she have money for a lawyer. And if she did, the lawyer would contact us himself or file something in court. Well I typed the statement in Google and guess what pops up? The exact statement from a lawyer totally across the country in response to someone else’s question on a legal advice website. This bitch is lying through her teeth. And she will do anything to be proven right.
Anyways, we finally smack her in the face with the truth and she finally backs down and agrees to what we want. She is just such an idiot and we go through this dance so often. But she will be fair and we will fight for it. We will eventually try and set something on stone but you ladies know that sometimes things just don’t magically appear when we need them to. It is insanity. Why do you always have to be in control and why can’t you just help parent with DH?
It is not our fault that you keep getting knocked up. It is not our fault that you married a guy you didn’t know so that you would have a paycheck. It is not our fault that you haven’t worked in two years. It’s not our fault that you don’t have a car because you’re a lazy bitch that can’t make money even fucking guys. It is not our fault that you fuck your brother. And it’s not our fault that you’re the biggest piece of shit mother in the world.


Doubletakex3's picture

I've she the custodial parent? And, why in the world can't you have the papers amended to include transportation guidelines?