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MsFedup1's Blog

He is his mother's child!!!

MsFedup1's picture

My ss18 knows he is his mother's child. I am so pissed off right now and I dont know where to start...If anyone read my blog earlier I was talking about how my ss bm has been taken my husband back and forth to court for more money when he is already paying her $304 every 2weeks and on top of that the court has order him to pay 48% of his college tuiton which is $42,000 a year.

thinking hard

MsFedup1's picture

Thinking about sueing my husband's ex wife for harrasement and emotional distress... he has been to court 4 times in one year because the female creature wants more money. He pays $304 every 2 weeks but that not enough for an 18 year old who is working and spending his moneis on tatoos and his girlfriend...on top of that she has him going to 42 thousand dollar college and his dad didnt have any input.