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He is his mother's child!!!

MsFedup1's picture

My ss18 knows he is his mother's child. I am so pissed off right now and I dont know where to start...If anyone read my blog earlier I was talking about how my ss bm has been taken my husband back and forth to court for more money when he is already paying her $304 every 2weeks and on top of that the court has order him to pay 48% of his college tuiton which is $42,000 a year.

Any way my husband had talk with my ss tonight and the little selfish person says to his dad why I cant get a job so his dad can have extra money. His dad told him because of childcare will be $200 a week for each child (we have 2 toddlers sons) and that doesnt make any sense for me to work to pay childcare.

The bm also turned my ss against his dad telling him that his father left his family when in reality she was the one cheating on his makea long story short the son is ok with his father being finacually rape by his mom because she is a victim and she gives him anything he wants.

Since this court mess have been going on my husband and I have been having many agruements, I have been put on anti depressants, my 13 son is scared to give us the mail she sends because he doesnt want my husband and I to argue,,,If anyone have any advice for me please share because I am deeply in need right now.


ddakan's picture

I just don't see how they can expect DH to pay that much for college. Like if we had that money we wouldn't go to college ourselves. Its really an abuse of what should be providing essential needs to the kid when they are little.

I hate BMs and SKIDs. They take take take take take take take take take. And its all legal.

distorted reality's picture

Ahhh, the wonderful age of entitlement, (sic). Many BM's feel entitled and pass that ugly little trait onto their children. I never did understand this whole CS after 18 with college paid for by parents. What ever happened to the kid goes to school, EARNS good grades, applies for scholarships with said good grades, and goes to college???? Once again, it is up to parents to keep providing and reinforcing those nasty entitlement traits. Don't get me wrong, if parents can afford to help, they should. Of course this should only be help and not total support.

Was this a part of their original divorce settlement or did the BM pull that notorius last minute extra mind screw? Just wondering if I'm going to be seeing it in my future. :sick: