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GOT 'ER *evil laugh*

mrsparks's picture

So we just went to pick up SS
Mind you BM is always late and we are ALWAYS driving 1.5 hrs. away each way.. Well today God forbid we were caught in traffic and we were 10 min. late in getting to the pick up point, she texts DH then after sending the text calls him 20 seconds later.. I thought I would be an a** and started yelling "HANG UP!" "HANG UP" "We'll be there when we get there!" in the background.. heheheh...


*Just thought it would be hilarious to completely p*ss her off before court on Monday..

I laughed ALL THE WAY HOME.. Smile Smile


Stick's picture

ha haa haa! I love this!! I did the same thing when my DH was on the phone with his EXW and she was forcing SD into soccer. Mind you - the girl HATES the game, and wouldn't try, wouldn't run, wouldn't play and basically just dreaded going! And this was after her being on a team for 4 years!! So one day, BM was on phone with DH trying to tell him how important it was for SD to play soccer and I was in the background yelling "Give it up!! She hates it!! Let her do something else she might like" and same thing... BM was going - what is she saying??? Of course, at the time, poor DH was like..ugh.... but now, he actually enjoys tweaking her because BM is a ... (hmmm see other post about different names for BM)!!!

mrsparks's picture

It was exactly what I needed, it made DH laugh and I was laughing all of the 1.5 hours home, I'm sure she was fuming and thinking to herself over and over "what exactly did she say" all I could think about was just how funny it all was..